Readers’ minds think alike, sometimes, and the changing advertising campaign for the “empire building” video game Evony caught the attention of fds, torenc, Assaf N., Elisabeth R., Sabriel, Nicole O., and Liz B. (images found at Gawker and Coding Horror, and hope I didn’t miss anyone who sent it in). Online ads for the game started out like this:
Then they added a woman with a little boob showing:
In case people weren’t noticing the cleavage, the ad evolved into one where the boobs are pointed out a bit more explicitly:
Moving on to a slightly more realistic look:
Christina W. sent us one with a woman actively disrobing and saying “Come play, my Lord”:
Mick H. found a close-up version similar to the one above:
D.R.S. sent us another:
And then they realized they could just dispense with all subtlety and get to the important part:
If that didn’t work, why not straight up near-nudity. Dan J. found this one here:
This ad submitted by both Alex B. and Kim H. seems to be taking the advertising to a whole new level. No longer content with boobs, they seem to be moving towards implied female masturbation:
Wtfcats sent this one in:
NEW (Dec. ’09)! Tom R. sent in this next one with a nice “we’re lesbian, but just for you” flair. Using the term “discreetly” to imply porn, it reads “join the fun”:
NEW (Jan. ’10)! Thanks to Chris M., Tinpantithesis, and Ryan, we now know that there is an Evony ad that doesn’t say anything about the game at all. You simply see this image and are invited to click on her boobs, butt, or lips to turn her into the “ideal woman”:
When you click, you are taken to this site, which asks you to sign up for the game because “obvious[ly],” “it makes you feel like King!”
Or sometimes apparently you get this view:
Presumably some players will be disappointed that there isn’t a female “queen” to be saved or oogled in the game at all–the women were invented only for the purpose of adding boobs to the ads. Jeff A. from Coding Horror says,
Evony, thanks for showing us what it means to take advertising on the internet to the absolute rock bottom … then dig a sub-basement under that, and keep on digging until you reach the white-hot molten core of the Earth. I’ve always wondered what that would be like. I guess now I know.
ALSO NEW (Dec. ’09)! Apparently the Evony ads have become such a thing that other games are referencing them to advertise themselves. Timm F. sent along the ad below making fun of the Evony ads. It reads, “She is actually in our game, my lord”:
Comments 1801
Jennifer — July 14, 2009
It's bad, but not surprising considering the rampant sexism in video game culture.
And that's coming from a devoted gamer.
Ryan — July 14, 2009
As a gamer, I'm so embarrassed by these. I feel like this is what non gamers think of when someone refers to themselves as liking video games. Some boob obsessed shut in.
James — July 14, 2009
Well, we all are so accustomed to ignoring internet ads, something needs to grab our attention at least long enough to read. It's either going to be dancing aliens or breasts.
Matt K — July 14, 2009
This is pretty much the bottom of the barrel as previous comments have pointed out. I'm not sure that calling this a "video game" is even accurate. I haven't gone anywhere near it (I generally avoid clicking on web ads...) but it's probably just an ad site with some kind of "game-lite" mechanic, if it's not just some kind of spam.
I did think the whole "play now, my lord" thing was a bit striking. One variation of these ads (for the same game, I think) had the tagline "save your lover" with a picture of two women. Wasn't sure quite what to make of that, aside from the obvious possibility that they'd figured out that two girls together might entice more people to click than one on her own. For a minute, I thought of the possibility that it about a woman saving her (female) lover, but I think that was probably giving them too much credit.
Magnetic Crow — July 14, 2009
In total agreement with Jennifer and Ryan.
I'm a big videogame fan, and most of the games I play are very unsexist in their content. But the gamer culture is hugely sexist, and it seems that--as more women become interested in games and overtly express our videogame nerd-dom--the more sexist the ads and the views expressed by male gamers seem to be.
I'm pretty sure this is another example of targeted backlash, as seen in other arenas (such as sports and certain careers) that have traditionally been seen as "masculine".
So it's not surprising to see another example of a ridiculously sexist videogame ad, which has nothing whatever to do with the content of the game, and which works to estrange female gamers. I saw another such some months ago, which I believe was for F.E.A.R. 2, which purportedly sold a "protection plan", wherein a scantily clad "nurse" would come make you feel better after being scared by the game. "You" if you are a man, of course.
I cannot find it now to share it, sadly, though if anyone knows where to look I do think it's pertinent to this post.
lilpocketninja — July 14, 2009
Matt K -- it is a game, a strategy game, with a fairly light ad presence on the main playing screen.
Yes, I play it. It's fun. It has nothing whatsoever to do with boobs, and these ads make me reconsider playing it at all since they clearly aren't considering their female audience at all, and I'm loathe to be where I'm not welcome.
Posts about Gawker as of July 14, 2009 » The Daily Parr — July 14, 2009
[...] with the commenters, many of whom followed me here from Apple Watch and Microsoft Watch. Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads - 07/14/2009 Readers’ minds think alike, sometimes, and the changing advertising [...]
Cola — July 14, 2009
Ugh... those breasts in the last ad are hard to look at. Clearly photoshopped into an unrealistic shape.
Mania — July 14, 2009
I've noticed the earlier ads in this sequence showing up on my own sites as well as the gaming sites I frequent. Last night I saw the last ad pictured above, aka 'the bra ad'. At first I overlooked it because I thought it was an actual clothing ad. Then I noticed the little "Evony" under the "PLAY" -- and started laughing so hard my husband had to come rescue me. Poor Evony.
Fat Angie — July 14, 2009
The MMO I'm involved with had to take down Evony's ads because of the Boob Ladies (and yes, "Save Your Lover" was another of their campaigns), since our game has a bunch of little kids, and parents were complaining. They're very misleading ads.
Maggie — July 14, 2009
wow, that's fucking hilarious.
And by hilarious, I mean ridiculous.
hoshi — July 14, 2009
wow... the whole "play now secretly!" makes it sound like a porn game.
i wish i knew where i read this, but many months ago i saw a great demonstration of the inverse relation of boob size to armor coverage in games.
basically the bigger the boobs, the skimpier the armor. but the flat chested women are frequently covered head to toe in armor. i try to pay attention now and as of yet i haven't seen any examples of this ratio being incorrect.
Djiril — July 14, 2009
I noticed this the other day. I enjoy anything medieval, so I took notice of these ads even if I wasn't about to join another "free" internet game.
I noted with interest as the medieval elements of the ad gradually disappeared. I didn't get the bra one, but the last one I saw looked like a photograph of a model in a very modern looking skimpy negligee. If I was ever going to play that game, this gradual deterioration of the ads insured that I never will.
Bruceongames — July 15, 2009
It isn't just this bad advertising. Evony is a big scam from Chinese gold farmers. A lot more on what is going on can be found here:
depresso — July 15, 2009
The not-so-subtle references to female subserviance is really the cherry on the cake, no?
Lindsey — July 15, 2009
These ads have been bugging me for weeks: thank you for calling them up on it. I actually find the taglines more offensive (perhaps I'm desensitised to boobs) for the implications that if you play this game you will win a harem of willing, lobotomised porn folk and that should obviously be you goal in life.
Eline — July 15, 2009
wow, I can't believe this! In some twisted way their utter desperation is actually sort of funny. That is if you ignore the blatant misogyny.
Rosa — July 15, 2009
Ha! I've been watching these adverts evolve on You Tube, but I hadn't seen the latest one until today on your blog.
I actually found it laugh out loud funny it's so out there and stupid. I feel embarrassed on men's behalf looking at them though; it's an insult to them as well as to women. I mean, how shallow, basic and idiotic do people think men are!?
Ranah — July 15, 2009
Speaking of games:
Ridiculous Life Lessons for Girls
Kelly — July 15, 2009
I hope 2K (the owner of Civ) sues these guys so I never have to see the ads again
Reanimated Horse — July 15, 2009
I'm with hoshi - the "play discreetly" vibe does make it sound like there are adult themes involved. Very tricky, Evony, if that is your real name. (Civony?)
Lance — July 15, 2009
I...I really, really thought that the last picture there was a parody you folks had made. They seriously used that ad? I'd seen the others (and had the same basic reactions of "oh gee look boobies" and "really? my LORD, stressed? do they not want what few female players there might be?"), but that's...just astonishing.
Bagelsan — July 15, 2009
"Help! Save the Queen ... from the uncanny valley" is more like it. The art makes me throw up a little in my mouth. The only thing worse than blatantly and desperately objectifying women to make a few bucks is *clumsily* and *ineptly* blatantly and desperately objectifying women to make a few bucks. Good lord. If that's not proof enough that these guys have never seen a real woman in her underwear before I don't know what is... :p
Cat — July 15, 2009
I've been meaning to write about that one with the sword pointing at the digital boobies.
Finally! — July 15, 2009
Finally, Sociological Images discusses this ad! I was also thinking how this ad escaped the "Sexual Censorship" of Google (as Fat Angie has pointed out in her comment) Only the last two ads and another Civony ad featuring a busty brunette woman in the same pose as the second blonde woman seem even mildly hinting at sex to me; but this is the US after all, where even the slightest cleavage is seen as "OMG SEX!!!" (Which helps the porn industry and the sleazy marketers.) Does anyone know why Google might have been uh, "lenient" on these specific ads? Someone at another site even suggested that the scammer has connections with Google China.
To the commentors: Oh, and why would it be only men who look at these ads? Couldn't it be lesbians and bisexual people, too? I know, it's tailored for the "Hierarchical Heterosexual Male Gaze", but still...
Bagelsan — July 17, 2009
Oh, and why would it be only men who look at these ads? Couldn’t it be lesbians and bisexual people, too?
Lesbians *love* it when women are objectified to sexually appeal to men, I've always said! (Less snarkily, yes, breasts *do* appeal to groups other than heterosexual men, but that doesn't mean that these other groups don't realize who this is aimed at -- especially when saying "my LORD" and whatnot. I think the female form is lovely but I don't like it being constantly used to try and reel men in by their dicks, thx muchly.)
Sociological Images » “Disabled Girls” Video Game — July 18, 2009
[...] posts about video games: Evony’s boob ads, gender and race in RuneScape, Border Patrol game, Miss Bimbo and Sexy Beach 3, Rape Simulator, My [...]
droo — July 18, 2009
I think the above ad (the last, most devolved one) means "BREAST free web game."
Pechos y marketing en los videojuegos: el caso de Evony « Videojuegos y Sociedad — July 19, 2009
[...] Lo peor de toda esta campaña es que parte de la premisa de que sólo los varones adolescentes y jóvenes adultos juegan a este tipo de cosas, un grave error teniendo en cuenta la cada vez mayor media de edad del jugador habitual, así como la progresiva incorporación de las chicas a este mercado. De hecho, juegos online gratuitos como Evony son cada vez más populares entre mujeres de todas las edades, y este tipo de marketing no logra más que alienar a un buen número de consumidores potenciales. El resultado de esta nefasta campaña queda bien resumido en el comentario de una jugadora apodada lilpocketninja: [...]
Joe American — July 19, 2009
Web Advertising Hits Rock Bottom | hellokinsella — July 19, 2009
[...] + paste via Sociological Images Share and [...]
Morgiana — July 19, 2009
"I think the above ad (the last, most devolved one) means “BREAST free web game.”"
T B — July 20, 2009
The ads had a macho gender slant from the beginning, of course. The first ad first well with the rest of them.
Here's a relevant Media Education Foundation video -
Jem — July 23, 2009
This is a link to a full page screen shot of another Evony video game ad complete with girl in tank top full of boobies.
ZippyDSMlee — July 30, 2009
I don't call it sexism I call it marketing, when you put real women down,pay them less, treat them worse in real life settings that's sexism.
When you want to play up sex to drive adverts/sales you want to go with figures that are appeasing to the masses and since the days of the renascence its female + curves that is more appeasing to the masses that's marketing.
Though if you went with hot men and in cool weapons/armor it would draw as mnay people but the mix of man-ase and cool weaponry has to be right...boobs to tend to be....easier to use? =0-o=
Atmosck — July 30, 2009
This is one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns I've ever seen.
I don't think they seriously intended for people to click because they saw breasts. They just wanted to make noise, and this got them some amazing publicity. The (de)volution of these ads is hilarious, and who really talked about Evony before it? It's just another free online game, of which there are millions. But now it's the game with the boob ads everyone's talking about, and that's going to spark curiosity about what the game actually consists of, particularly because there aren't any boobs in the game.
Some marketing designer knows what he's doing.
hampshiregrenadier — July 30, 2009
F.E.A.R.2 video as mentioned by Magnetic Crow can be found at:
Marc Umbricht — July 30, 2009
Funny story: my girlfriend and i were talking on aim and she sends me a link and says "Doesn't the girl in this picture look so [i]glamourous[/i]?"
I'm not sure what to do with that, but I agree with everyone else that this is a pretty pathetic ad campaign.
ZippyDSMlee — July 30, 2009
Marc Umbricht
Females are less fussy when it comes to "beauty" even if you sex it up it they don't see it like men who see BEWBS first. This is why females are portrayed alot more in ads guys tend to dislike manly or glamorous men far more than women dislike beautiful or glamorous females.
Law of averages I suppose beautiful females generate more interest.
Bruceongames — July 31, 2009
And also there is the sexist Queen of Evony competition:
Bruceongames — July 31, 2009
Also Evony has a sexist Queen of Evony competition:
come play, my lord - Gamers Underground — August 1, 2009
[...] lately. it seems like 80% of the websites i go to have some sort of evony advertising. even gu!!! Sociological Images Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads its driving me bonkers, no i dont want to play evony you silly girl!!! [...]
PurpleGirl — August 1, 2009
I've been seeing these ads on Facebook for months, and they drive me crazy. I haven't seen the last one that's strictly boobs, but there are several others, and all involve much cleavage and women with a "come fuck me" look on their faces. A couple of them had very odd jutting bones and big ropey veins standing out of their totally white skin. I found most of the ads disturbing in one way or another.
Haze — August 1, 2009
The really sad thing, ITS A BORING STRATEGY GAME! No boobs included. I wonder how many people dove in and downloaded this only to find they were playing a badly pixelated version of risk.
I really do wonder.
Christopher — August 2, 2009
Kind of funny, I was drawn to this game from the first aid being I like strategy based games: warcraft, starcraft, total annihilation...ect. It was an "ok" game in my views but wasting so much real time to build a digital army was a joke so I started to pull away and did not want to spend money for less building time. Then I started noticing the ad campaign changing. I thought it was ok at first, they were just adding new content the "Save the Queen" Mission (does not exist by the way) but I was wrong. I guess its just sad to see such false advertisement in a game with great potential
Lexie Di — August 3, 2009
So! I clicked the link to see the sexist F.E.A.R. 2 game ad and was watching, quite disgusted, when something ironic, disturbing, and even a little funny happened... An Evony ad popped up!
I took a screen shot just for you guys! (Aren't I sweet?)¤t=Sexism.jpg
As you can see, the ad at the bottom of the video cuts out part of the woman's face in order to get a clear, centered shot of her breasts... Also, they address the person looking at the ad by "My Lord," they're obviously selling to male players. >.< All of this while two scantily clad "nurses" massage and dote on a young man. It was almost too much for me to handle!
Links of Great Interest 8/7/09 | the Hathor Legacy — August 7, 2009
[...] Sometimes there aren’t enough boobs in video game [...]
Dalton — August 10, 2009
I am an avid player of the Evony game and quite frankly I love it! Not because of adds that just so happen to have boobs on them, (I prefer butts anyway)but because its more of a 'patience' type of game. Its a good way to relax at the computer.
To help justify the idea (apart from that stupid 'bra add'), in midevil times that 'pushed up boobs' look was actually in style. So is a company going to make a game 'unrealistic' just because some people are so out of it that they have to complain about a game they've probably never played just because it has boobs?! Give me a break......!
studioXanimo — August 11, 2009
That last ad was a joke right? Right?!
sosab — August 11, 2009
Nope... I've seen it all over the place. By the way, take a look at this:
waqasnayyer — August 17, 2009
gaming is one of the hottest things these days..people are crazy about gaming especially youngsters.
psp games reviews — August 17, 2009
gaming is one of the hottest things these days..psp games and ps3 games are so hot these days.
Typhi — August 21, 2009
mlgreen8753 — August 25, 2009
These video game ads are awesome. I think they would get more out of them if they submitted them to Adwido, and other sites that accept image ads.
DrLex — September 1, 2009
So I'm not the only one noticing the ever increasing amount of boobs in current (video game) ads. I have been making screenshots of every ad that fits the 'boobs' theme. My collection has 58 of them, of 38 distinct games and some webcomics. I might put it online some day, with comments.
Of course you won't hear me complain, looking at boobs is never a bad thing. Those games don't interest me at all, so I don't care that they lack the boobs from their ads.
vastra — September 1, 2009
fuck the game, whos that dark haired woman, DO WANT MOAR PICS!!!!
Sarah — September 1, 2009
I play this game, and it has nothing to do with girls and you never see any boobs. But there are a lot of horny guys who get on and look for underage girls.
Anonymous — September 1, 2009
Theres more
Citizenparables — September 1, 2009
This is more than a little sad, but I can understand the phenomenon. Internet ads must be among the least resonant forms. My impression is most people who spend a sugnificant amount of time online are very adept at ignoring most of them, looking between them at the content you're interested in. I can confidently say that in, what, 10 years or so, I have NOT ONCE clicked on a banner ad from a website.
Hastening to add that I don't click on the Evony one either, I can say that the later ones did 'cut through' to use an industry term, if only to elicit a 'what is that smut doing on my Facebook?' response. However, no doubt the developers feel their target audience will be very tempted by the implied erotic nature and 'discreet' gameplay.
To be honest, I find the notion of sweaty gamers feverishly questing their way through hours of generic fantasy RPG, desperate to reach the point where oodles of softcore animations are unlocked more funny than anything else.
I mean really, the jokes on them, isn't it?
DrLex — September 2, 2009
For those who want more, I cleaned up my ‘collection’ and made it available. Enjoy!
blah — September 4, 2009
they don't show enough boobs
Mackenzie — September 4, 2009
There's another ad on the left of from
Link Roundup from Outer Space (11th September, 2009) | Geek Feminism Blog — September 11, 2009
[...] also takes a pot shot at those Evony ads, with time robot-themed [...]
Dan White — September 11, 2009
hmmm... "games", you say? I'll have to look into this new phenomenon you call "gaming"
Redhead Metalhead — September 11, 2009
The first time I saw one of those images with the women, I seriously thought it was for a dating site, until I looked closely. I'm not even sure what the game's about now, although I never cared in the first place. Isn't that one prospect of an advertisement is to let people know at least a little bit of what you're advertising about? I guess these guys missed the message. Instead, they're misleading people, a common thing in advertisements, I guess. The problem is, they're not technically selling anything. It's free, for crying out loud. Don't people like free things? If anything, they had me at "free." I mean, I'm a lesbian, sure, but that doesn't mean worth squat because I'm too smart to know what they're doing. That and I have a girlfriend.
Anyway, here's an idea: if you're going to advertise like this, why not make a game featuring women like this? It would be completely ridiculous, sure, but it would also, at the very least, be honest. THEN make your inspired-by-medieval-times game . . . with sexy chained up maidens waiting for you to "save them," of course!
Smirle — September 16, 2009
The most recent ads I've seen ( have moved away from the breast meme. Now they're Flash-animated: an opaque drop of "sweat" drips down a shiny, damp woman's face with copy reading, "The Hottest Game Online...[snip]...Don't Sweat It. It's Free."
I don't have enough teaspoons for this.
ZippyDSMlee — September 16, 2009
Check this out!
Friday I’m In Love « Artisan Level — September 18, 2009
[...] music video out here. So catchy! 2) PopCap has my undying gratitude for their way of dealing with this shit (which disgusts me on several levels – as a gamer, an internet surfer, a female, a human [...]
Girl — September 19, 2009
Oh look. I found another ad.
some random guy — September 29, 2009
I found another one at
Meg — September 29, 2009
Okay, am I the only one who sees how discriminating these adds are? sex sells, sure, but thats our fault for putting it out there. So if we MUST put up with boobs in our faces wherever we go, then i wanna see some guys with THEIR tops off for a change!
And yes, I see how the joke is on those people who stupidly play the game because they think there is merit in the advertising, but really, why do we have to cheapen women all the time? I thought we'd fought for our rights and won a long time ago, but of course, we'll never really have any rights if people don't start respecting us for who we are, not what we look like and WE don't stop letting them.
Sorry to break up the party, but you guys are the problem. if you dont stop letting people think this is okay, then YOU are bringing down the rest of us, and I don't see how gaming companies are benefiting. I know plenty of men who respect me, and I know that most woman would prefer their company over the sick men game companies are attracting to their websites by using this sort of advertising campaign.
sorry, but it sickens me. I'm with the few ppl willing to tell it how it is on here!
Anonymous — October 7, 2009
Evony false advertising — October 11, 2009
this made me laugh im like...this game has NOTHING to do with girls...WOW...WOW ima play this..WOW...-sign up- wtf!!!
Ripley — October 15, 2009
but you guys are the problem.
This isn't always the case. How do you know that the only reason they are putting this advertisment up is because they have chauvanistic, sexist pigs in publishing, hmm? Also to that fact that recently there has a been a flurry of recent Alpen adverts, which are actually quite amusing. So maybe US guys aren't always the problem, maybe you should take this to Evony as opposed to complaining on a forum site.
Anonymous — October 19, 2009
where do i sign up!!!
Marketing for Women and Girls: Just make it pink! « INFERNO OF COOL — October 21, 2009
[...] girls don’t see representations of themselves in commercials, but when the language clearly isn’t directed towards them (yes, I know, it’s a gratuitous, ridiculous example, but the idea is still the same), or [...]
jio gonzales — October 26, 2009
the games i acutualy pretty cool once your done with the basics
but i totaly agree that the advertisements have nothing to do with the game
also its not nice because it also pops up in sites where kid usualy go to like facebook and such..
Bill Gates — October 29, 2009
I played the game and it was okay, but nothing really special. The kids liked it, but in the end I blocked the site. The way the advertising is going, I just can't trust the people doing it not to just slip some porn into the game. Shame really, because the kids quite enjoyed it.
jasmine — October 29, 2009
Actually played the game out of interest....
not naked lady in sight and full of guys who have probably never seen a a real boob
bahahahahahahahahah sad sad SAD
KD — October 30, 2009
Ah, Evony. The nigh-inescapable ads that inspired me to finally switch to Firefox and install adblock. Notice the one with the sword poised to slide between the woman's breasts? A lot of video games these days are little more than snuff porn in disguise, and I'm afraid that most male gamers are rapists-in-waiting because of shit like this. I say this as someone that's been gaming since she was three, so believe me when I say video games are all up-skirt panty shots on underage girls, rape scenes and equally brainless playboy bunnies or saintly virgins, both of whom you are required to screw and then kill. There's probably no more dangerous toy you could give your kid.
Toka — October 30, 2009
for the moment, a new clean (by evony standards) advert can be found at
2 bikini clad women over a sunset/beach backdrop
Gary P — November 3, 2009
I wouldnt even want to try it as the adverts for this game are ridiculous and annoying. Its like a tacky ad on TV, i would refuse to buy the item because of the advert.
I'm sure the game is decent but this marketing campaign is pathetic, perhaps its done its trick as so many people know about it but not in a positive way
Lee — November 3, 2009
I am a student studying computer games design at uni and decided to investigate
Just to see what some of these games are like etc. etc.
The game is actually kind of cool (found myself addicted and even spent a little money on it).
But I started to notice HUGE bandwidth use by the site as I played.
I am not the only one either, there are comments on the evony forums about this.
This is odd because all of the client info, the animations etc. are all downloaded in one big download at the start.
There is no streaming media so I began to wonder what was going on.
To cut a long story short I decided to break the law and reverse engineer Evony’s client.
Not to cheat. Not to rip them off or even to use even a scrap of the code.
But just to poke about a bit and find out what was going on, maybe even offer them some ways to improve things.
Aside from the fact that the whole thing is very poorly constructed (it is really very beginner coder level stuff. Reminds me of a lot of
what the first year students produce for assignments) it contained some very interesting information.
Included with the client are 2 peices of tracking software that monitor your web use and which applications you have open while the client is running.
These do not install independently on the machine though due to the limitations of flash and do not actually damage anything.
But they harvest massive volumes of information. My firewall was blocking a lot of outgoing transmissions and it turns out that these
were the data trying to be sent out. So they know nothing about me. lol.
However there is a LOT of data coming IN over the ports the client uses. In otherwords it is downloading something into my cache for use later.
I have bandiwdth restriction which slows these types of tricks down and I completely clear my cache every couple of hours if I am heavily using the net.
I also noticed that all the varanbles etc. are named Civony still and that there are multiple references to UMGE.
Even a couple of folders are simply called UMGE, one of these folders contains one of the spyware programs.
So I can only guess at where the data would end up if I didnt have a good firewall.
There are also commented out sections in the code which contain references to UMGE and Lam himself, though low on details.
Thank you for reading this.
Bill — November 10, 2009
There are lots of whinny people on here. Loosen up, peeps. Everyone thinks differently.
daphny — November 11, 2009
Free boobs: It’s too good to be true | — November 11, 2009
[...] a brief description of the game itself (’build your empire’), but later versions aren’t quite as subtle (probably not [...]
Jared — November 11, 2009
thank you, firefox + adblock =) I never see these.
Andrew Garrett (werdna) 's status on Thursday, 12-Nov-09 12:59:10 UTC - — November 12, 2009
[...] @wittylama have you seen this? [...]
Free boobs: It’s too good to be true | Unit1 — November 12, 2009
[...] includes a brief description of the game itself (’build your empire’, but later versions aren’t quite as subtle (probably not [...]
Reebok’s EasyTone Marketing Jumps on the Objectification Bandwagon » Sociological Images — November 15, 2009
[...] me a bit of how the Evony video game ads changed over time. Leave a Comment Tags: clothes/fashion, diet/exercise industry, [...]
Phoar — November 16, 2009
Here's a new one, pretty much the same picture in the one implying female masturbation but bigger with a different layout. [IMG][/IMG]
Nav — November 16, 2009
i love this type of is the way forward
PP — November 16, 2009
What i dont understand is why they do this to boyz, this is who its goin to lets be honest, do u really think that a 10 year old girl is goin to click on that banner, no its just boys, and im thinking that most of the video games played is mainly males, so it makes sense that they are trying to advertise to them, but why this way, are they trying to make a soceity that demoralizes women, makes them seem like some kind of game, honestly im am getting sick of it and im only a 17 year old kid so i see our society making women seem more and more of an object and nothing else, and its just getting worse when they put smut like this on for kids
Danny — November 18, 2009
Wow, I can't believe it's getting so out of hand, soon it will be exactly like our comic:
b — November 20, 2009
another one
and KD if you're still reading, where the hell is your blog?
b — November 20, 2009
U.S. and Japanese Versions of the Cover for Spice & Wolf » Sociological Images — November 25, 2009
[...] wish I could say they’re totally wrong and it would never work. But clearly Evony also thought it would be effective. I wish I knew how their sales have changed as their advertising [...]
We the people of the Internet — November 28, 2009
Whether you like staring at the adverts, or are terribly undignified
Evony is heard about all over the internet, Any advertisement is good advertisement? personnally, i wish we could just block these adverts, but they are flash and cant be blocked... Evony, please Die!
Anonymous — November 29, 2009
wow...just wow!
Anonymous — November 29, 2009
but it's nice still :)
KT — November 30, 2009
Mm. I spent a good half hour reading all the comments.
To tell you the truth this doesnt actually hurt my feelings.
I am a grown women and have been seeing these advertisments all over the place. You get use to it. Yet, we shouldnt have to get use to it. These are so very uncalled for. What have we become? Seriously?..
No kid should ever come across these advertisments. I dont care whether its true or not.. Its just plain wrong. Oh and all you boys who decided to be a smartass and write "sex" or "more boobs".. You have things coming for you.
Grow the fuck up.
Devon — December 3, 2009
damn well while they are very appealing and attention drawing they are also misleading and while that last one was a joke, heres a more serious tidbit; men respond negatively to "perfect" women, all this ad achieves is a quick fapping for shallow guys and chronic masturbators :D
Zaq — December 4, 2009
I found what I believe to be a counter ad to all the evony advertising. It's a side bar ad with a picture of a woman with the header "She is actually in our game, my lord"
Devon — December 4, 2009
aw snap now they're competing at least now its funny
Banzee — December 5, 2009
A face full of boobs are fine after a long day at work, cramming, and insane drivers. But do i really want to get smacked with this for the entire day!? Heck no!!!
"...according to anaylists the Irag war seems to be...EVONY AD BOOBS!!!...going as expected. In other news..."
And for that matter, on websites that show these ads when they have absolutely nothing to do with sex. this stuff is excusable if it was at say www.SuperDooperXXX'an'p0rn'an', but to have it at,,!!! Seriously!!!
Devon — December 7, 2009
yup yup i especially feel bad for those better websites who rely on ads and sponsorship to stay online, and these types of ads have the money to support these struggling websites, yet it makes them look bad
Saria — December 9, 2009
ugh, I see these things all the time on my own RPG forum. And it sucks. Now they move too. You see them all over the place. It's just annoying. And yeah sure you get used to it. But I live in a big family and I get embarrased when my little brother walks up behind me while I'm RPGing and one of those stupid ads shows up! They need to seriously get a new life.
Yo — December 9, 2009
These people r pathetic perverted and gross.its sick that hey use this 2 advertise
Anyone actually play Evony? - Game Podunk — December 9, 2009
[...] Anyone actually play Evony? I actually have a neat article about the ads for that game. Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads Sociological Images It shows just how low advertising can [...]
Chup@Cabra — December 12, 2009
You know, its funny, but only on an actual porno site (well, a blog devoted to porn ^_^) have I seen an evony add that's actually about the game (showing scenes from the game).
Anonymous — December 12, 2009
It works on me because of the subliminal messaging. yea.
Anonymous — December 14, 2009
It wouldn't be such a bad thing if the ads were only rarely seen but they pop up everywhere, I even heard a case where some dude saw his son playing adventure quest and it had one of the more explicit evony ads on the side
Anonymous — December 16, 2009
how do i give a picture. ive got one which isn't already on there.
KarenM — December 16, 2009
I've seen Evony ads more recently which look like the first one. Perhaps they've seen your post? :-)
Rappelz, following Evony’s sexist footsteps | The Border House — December 18, 2009
[...] by Cuppycake in General Gaming, PC Games on December 18, 2009 Over the past year, Evony has been under scrutiny (and for good reason) for their advertisements that feature scantily clad women and closeups of [...]
Camron — December 18, 2009
im sorry but i am a man and im not like this so please include SOME
or MOST i came to this to complain also because my brother is a gamer and i caught him looking at these so please say SOME or MOST or something thx
Khris — December 18, 2009
Um i read some of these like GROW UP to men and i wan to say i agree to ur ad
saying this is rediculus but GROW UP to all men who search the internet is just plain out retarded because its the producers so next time yell
or else ull just be descraced by the men who might be offended..( freind alredy does it)
salujin — December 18, 2009
Now here is my problem with this, They can do as they wish on the net and yet for all there trouble it pays off. If i were to do anything along the same line's i would be sued for false advertising... I dont agree with how they draw the attention, However the phrase "step up or shut up" come's to mind. So you can sit here and talk about it, or you can actually do something.
miss coconut — December 28, 2009
I just found one today, and I took some screen caps to compile it into an .GIF animation. Not a fantastically well-done animation, but you get the idea....
† — January 2, 2010
lol at the final Alteil ad
sadly they haven't slowed down but now I say with caution towards the kids that use the net that I've been on regular websites with ads of actual nudity, it's only a matter of time before they begin to surface everywhere.
but it's obvious that Evony marketing group and just evony in general for not removing the ads are filled with immaturity and they should do a little bit of growing up and as a gamer their ads have kept me away from even clicking them.
KarenM — January 2, 2010
I saw an ad for Evony like the first one the other day. Should I send it on? I think it was on Facebook...
Anonymous — January 5, 2010
This is pretty wrong.
someone — January 5, 2010
This is pretty wrong
Jack — January 5, 2010
This is wretty prong
Anonymous — January 5, 2010
a new one - a girl with a pink bikini on is scrolled left and right on
Anonymous — January 5, 2010
a new one - a girl with a pink bikini on is scrolled left and right on
Evony and … something that rhymes with “Ivory” « Oh Snap, Son! — January 7, 2010
[...] fact, this gradual de-evolution into boobs has been well chronicled by many astute bloggers and has become so famous on the interwebs as to spawn ads from a different game, mocking [...]
The Evolution of the Dungeons and Dragons Playbook » Sociological Images — January 10, 2010
[...] And then the Playbook went the way of the Evony ads: [...]
hahahaha — January 12, 2010
I'm a girl and I'm not offended at all, only because I think its so ridiculous at this point in time that I'm convinced the Ebony marketing team is laughing along with the rest of us :P
halofan2009 — January 13, 2010
i am 12 years old and what is this
Mary H. — January 16, 2010
Plants vs Zombies are spoofing them now too.
Conspiracy — January 26, 2010
LoL i just saw Adventure Quest Worlds is making fun of Evony it says Slay Free Quest Discreetly and a lady next to Artix is saying Pants M'Lord lol
Seliny19 — January 27, 2010
I don't really find the ads offensive. And I'm a girl. I actually find it amusing as hell. Why? Because A LOT of the "women" used for the evony ads are actually guys who are photoshopped to LOOK like women. Isn't that just so deliously evil? That all the pubescent guys and other gullible idiots that actually sign up for the game based on the SEXY ADS. Are all being horrificaly tricked into believeing that
A). The game is actually good. Which is isn't.
B). That's it's actually free forever. Which it isn't.
C). There will be hot women in the game. Which there isn't. Because there's only corn and potatoes in the game.
D.) The "women" in the ads are real. Which they aren't. TWO of them are real. And both pics of these women were stolen by Evony. Which is probably illegal seeing as how their pics are copyrighted. All the other women are men who have photoshopped hair and boobs. Isn't that just great?!
What I find hilarious about evony is that the game is terrible. Joined up for the 7 day trial out of curiousity and boredon and guess what you get to do all day? GROW CORN. Build a castle, plant some potatoes, plant some more corn, build a castle. And spend 5 dollars everyday from either your paypal account. Everything in the game is based on a coin currency system and are used up very fast because most of the in game items are quite expensive. And you end spending hundreds of dollars everyday if you're that stupid just to buy a horse cart. Or bricks.
The guy behind the game is an evil genius at best. He was a gold miner who realized that mining for actual gold was very difficult. So instead he hired a bunch of people to create a misleading game where you grow corn all day. With ads of photoshopped men to mislead gullible guys who can't tell the difference between a real chick and a photoshopped man. Even though you can blatanly tell by the very obvious adam's apple and huge chins and very manly facial structures that most of the women have. *FACEPALM*
Ed — January 30, 2010
Damn, I can't believe I actually found some post on Google about these Evony online ads. Every day, two websites I go to always flash these damn ads in my face with half naked women and big boobies. Not that I am complaining about that, but when I visit sites for regular kicks, I don't want to be distracted by these slow scrolling ads of these babes with giant jugs.
One time, I actually signed up for the damn game. I found out the hard way that that game sucks and has absolutely nothing to do with babes. It's a dorky, half assed RPG with no real gameplay behind it.
Evony, I await the day that someone gets pissed at you guys for this misleading and over the top advertisements and does something about it. False advertising can be a crime and sticking provocative advertisements on sites where kids visit is sickening.
As for these pictures being photos of men photoshopped... well, I'm pretty good a Photoshop myself and I can't tell that any of these were guys originally. Maybe the fake animiated looking ones, but the real photographs appear to be real women. You can only go so far with Photoshop! And I can't find any youtube video showing how they transform them from guys to girls, I haven't seen that. It's possible to pull off, but I don't see it with these pictures.
Shaun — January 31, 2010
Its not the fact that its mild titilation. Its more to the point that as a whole the team that created this game are sad, shallow and stupid. Don't play this piece of shit, if you want porn just google it.
FuckYouPedophile1 — January 31, 2010
people, it's called clicking on "tools" on your fucking web browsers and DISABLING "Load Images Automatically." Ain't it that simple?
pg — February 1, 2010
Install a quick firefox addon and never see these crappy ads again! (Except for seeming them on, where they will be preserved for mockery in perpetuity).
Adblock Plus 1.1.3
SpockTron — February 1, 2010
Anonymous — February 3, 2010
crappy ppl
Anonymous — February 4, 2010
Nice find.
dgrwriting — February 4, 2010
Evony does a lot more sketchy things besides their ad campaign. Check this article out as well:
C4NUCK — February 10, 2010
Can somebody explain? OT - GameBanshee Forums — February 11, 2010
[...] might want to read this link: Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads Sociological Images It is actually quite "funny" in a "how sad" kind of way __________________ [...]
Bel — February 11, 2010
Personally, I don't agree with their marketing strategy because of the fact that the ads totally fail to portray what the game is really about.
Even though the ads are disrespectful to women, as long as they work to get more users, they'll keep on using them.
Lets face it, the internet is full of these kinds of ads, and some actually lead to the real explicit stuff. It would be nice to have a cleaner safer internet browsing experience. The virtual world still remains with little regulation which is why anyone can access anything, until that changes not much can be done. Except keep away from what doesn't appeal to us.
Dan — February 11, 2010
... can i haz cheeseburger?
ckEagle165 — February 12, 2010
The Early comments in this thread are just astounding. Holy Crap... Neither the men OR the Women who have posted here are innocent. I mean sure, It pisses me off that Evony is doing a bunch of false advertising, but When someone makes a comment about something that I don't agree with, I'm not going to sit there and resort to name calling etc. I mean the following is just childish, and is simply copied and pasted. Seriously grow up people, and I mean both men AND women:
captain kief 11:49 pm on February 9, 2010 | # | Reply
how is this so wrong? you act like sexually oriented advertising is being pioneered by the eggheads at evony. This isn’t some new degradation of the female form, its a continuation of modern advertising.
“No kid should ever come across these advertisments…its just plain wrong”
what is wrong about sexuality? the only reason we fear our children seeing nudity is because we’re playing to the social dogmas that have been repeated through time. if no one told a kid what they were seeing was wrong it would remain a natural human experience, rather than some maniacal crime against youth. it’s only wrong because you tell them it is.
“You have things coming for you.
Grow the fuck up.”
thats like telling a woman to stop spouting her pointless and petty everyday overly exaggerated bitch drama
Shannon 10:06 am on February 10, 2010 | # | Reply
Okay, first of all, you are probably some typical male with that typical male behavior, which is completely repulsive and unattractive. Secondly, just because you are a typical male who portrays typical male point of view on this situation doesnt mean the women here are typical bitchy drama queens. Thirdly, being a women I will tell any women on this earth that it is wrong and stupid to be a typical female who bitches and gossips and creates drama just as I am telling the immature guys to grow up on this matter. And there is nothing wrong with sexuality. But just like health class, they give you a choice if you want your kids learning about it in school or not, some parent prefer to talk with them privately, not have them bombarded with these images on the internet, they could get the wrong impression. And another thing, just because nudity has been social dogmas doesnt mean it is appropriate to display now, things have changed since ancient times. Just because people did something in history doesnt mean we have to repeat it. Todays society is obviously corrupt and distorted with all of this sex appeal and photoshopped pictures of women pressuring young girls to become anorexic, and bulemic when almost every picture is FAKE. And yes I know that many other ads advertise using sex appeal and I am not singling this one out, all of it is disgusting. Anyone who actually buys a product just because there is a slutty female being sexually portrayed is a serious pervert and needs to grow up.
captain kief 12:31 pm on February 10, 2010 | # | Reply
Wow I thought you might be able to handle this argument with some measure of levity and composure but you’re clearly incapable of spewing ignorance and disrespect. Occams razor cuts both ways, and your blaming of men is pathetic. enjoy your life of no dick and late night chocolate ice cream, ya bop ass trick
Michael 3:28 pm on February 10, 2010 | # | Reply
The ‘typical male’ you say? Hmm… Isn’t that a bit sexist? Men enjoy women. GET OVER IT. How do you think you were born? YOUR DAD FUCKED YOUR MOM. BECAUSE HE ENJOYED HER BODY. Calling it disgusting to be a ‘typical male’ is just stupid. Do you get pissed at a wolf when it bites? “Oh fuck you wolf! You’re just being a typical wolf, biting everyone that gets near you!” Telling men that they’re disgusting for liking tits it telling us not to exist. You do realize that everything you said is pointing out that you ARE a typical bitch? You’re a drama queen, freaking out at men for doing what we like. Next time you touch yourself, next time you eat chocolate, next time you have sex, you’re disgusting for doing what you like. Grow up, please. I’m sick of morons like you telling me I’m not allowed to do what all men do and look at women. I agree the ads are stupid, having women that aren’t even in the game, but it’s by no means disgusting.
Shannon 7:53 pm on February 11, 2010 | #
Okay when the fuck did I say men can’t enjoy women? You are exaggerating my argument. THere is a difference between fucking and making love to someone. If you don’t love them, I don’t understand why you are having sex with them, thats all. I mean, sex is a very personal and intimate experience and it is being took advantage of in the media and such by using sex appeal to get people to play a stupid game. That is the whole point of this argument. It’s wrong. And how am I a drama queen just because I choose to speak my opinion on a situation I feel strongly about? Everyone should feel comfortable expressing their opinions. And even though I don’t agree with your opinion, I respect it anyway. But I am standing by my word 100% when I say that being a typical male is disgusting, truly. Typical men have no respect for women which I do not agree with.
Seliny19 — February 12, 2010
Ahahaha, my dear shannon. I'm a WOMAN. But good job in further proving your stupidity by assuming that I'm a dude. My name is Seliny19. Yea. Very manly there. FACEPALM. And I'm not being biased at all. I'm simply showing things in an even way. MEN AND WOMEN BOTH EQUALLY HAVE HARD LIVES. But you can't seem to understand this because you're a feminazi. And all fmeinazis ever do is blame MEN for everything. And think that all men are pigs. Which isn't true. There are plenty of great and nice guys out there. You're just too stuck in your tiny little world full of whining and drama that you never gave yourself to get out of your bubble and find yourself a guy who ISN'T a jerk. There are jerks and assholes in both genders. Somthing you obviously cannot understand because of your self proclaimed pain of being a woman.
I personally hate my fellow women who blame men for everything. Seriously who the fuck are you to STEREOTYPE ALL MEN IN THE WORLD?! Bigotry is wrong. It's just as bad as racism. If you my dear have the right to say that ALL MEN are pigs and that they're all disgusting and that all of them use women. Then all the guys on here bashing you have the right to badmouth YOU and say that you're just a typical bitch. All guys are typical disguting males to you right? Then you're just another drama queen bitch to them. SEE? It's FAIR. You can't expect to INSULT someone for no reason then not expect to get crticism in return.
Do you think that stereotyping is right and just my sweet? Because it seems that you do. You're just another chick with the victim mentality. I usually don't take sides in arguments. But for this once I will. I may be a girl but I side with guys on this one. Because you're purposely pushing them down for no reason at all. Most of the dudes on here don't even find the evony ads attractive. Have you even read their comments? Some of them are even defending women saying that the ads are demeaning. But you probably didn't even read any of THOSE comments. And you continue to badger and hound them for no reason.
As for your whole fucking argument about stupid teenage girls being swayed and brainwashed by the media. Who fucking cares? Good for them. I have absolutely no pity for the weak minded and weak willed. And actually both teenage girls and boys are affected by the media. Stop acting like only girls get affected by this. You're being way too biased. Boys ARE indeed pressured to act certain ways and have to look certain ways JUST LIKE GIRLS. I already stated all the hardships guys have to go through much more then girls in an earlier post which you replied to in a hilariously epic fail way.
I don't care for spoiled little girls that think they're too skinny, or that they're too fat, or need to look like this or that. That's their fault for being naive and gullible. Not MEN'S fault. Growing up I never had any damn bitchy issues about how I looked or if boys liked me. Because I don't give two shits about shallow appearances. If a guy thought I was hot. Good for him. If a guy thought I was ugly good for him. I didn't care. If a guy thought I was attractive and wanted to have sex with me. Good for him. I didn't care. I dressed how I wanted to, kept to myself, and focused on what was more important to me in life.
And the fact that you think that society is corrupted because of sex appeal ads. Then you've once again proven yourself to be stupid. There are so many things that are messed up in the world. But fucking ads that use sex appeal?! LMFAO. That's probably the least important thing in the world. But to typical feminazis like you it's: OMG SUPER IMPORTANT!!!! It's women like you that make intelligent, rational women look bad. Because of women like you there will NEVER be a Female President. Because there are waaaay to many women like you. That freak out about the most stupid and insignificant things. When there are much more important things to FREAK OUT about.
Not to metion I've already proven that all the Evony Images are FAKE in an earlier post. About how all the images are all stolen images of guys from porn sites and then photoshopped into looking like women. So your argument is moot. Because you've pretty much been defending gay guys this whole time. How does it feel my dear? To have so passionately debated about a topic you've so wholefully defended. Only to be sticking up for MEN? Seeing as how the evony ads are photoshopped guys. And NOT women at ALL. You've been arguing for the exploitation of gay men. Do you want a cookie now for pointlessly defending the wrong gender?
Rocky — February 12, 2010
Why is it that women always have more to say then men? Lol. You girls crack me up.
Simply put.
Everyone has different moral values and see things differently.
Seliny19 Believes they are Gay men, photoshopped, While Shannon and other misc people think they are all Females.
I think its just best we all agree to disagree that Evony, Right or wrong, should just find a different way of advertising because its false advertising.
Why not do both eh? Half Naked women and Half Naked guys? That way its fair =)
Shannon — February 12, 2010
Chocobrain: LOL holy crap I can't believe how everyone seems to be uncharacterizing me. It's crazy haha. :) But ONCE AGAIN. I am not stereotyping that every girl is a slut and every guy is disgusting. OBVIOUSLY every individual is different. Jeez. ANd I am not hatefilled just because I am against porn and perverted guys! I mean its not like I am trying to judge anyone, I apologize for coming off as a bitch but its a heated debate and I got carried away. But the point of this is that Evony is violating the law with false advertising and possibly stealing pics (if they aren't photoshopped) I think this argument was blown way out of proportion.
Shannon — February 12, 2010
Seliny what does me being young have to do with anything? I am 18 years old and have seen things in my life. If I have an opinion about something, I just have an urge to express it which is why I came to this site. If you didn't have an interest on this topic, why did you google the evony ads?
Shannon — February 12, 2010
Are you a role player Seliny? Is that why you are a photoshop junkie? Just curious..
Shannon — February 12, 2010
Seliny I agree with you to the extent that I can't do anything about it. I understand that Sex has been used in advertising for years, that doesn't make it right or okay though. Murder and Rape has been a crime for years but it doesn't make it okay. I know your thinking "well thats completely different and more serious". But I believe that it is porn and sexual advertising that makes a huge difference when it comes to crazy psycho-paths who look at it and makes them want to rape a girl or whatever. I mean this is what our society has been reduced to. Its a serious concern, girls and boys of all ages, shapes, and sizes being raped and killed. I hope I never grow out of feeling this way towards the subject as I get older. I firmly believe in one thing that you don't, it doesn't make you right or me right. Its an opinion. I hate when people dont have an open mind and just assumes they are right just because they are older or whatnot. I am entitled to my opinion. These arent facts we are speaking, its our opinions. I wish you could just respect my opinion and have an open mind about this.
Rocky — February 12, 2010
I've used photoshop enough to know how to do crap like that and its highly unlikely. I pulled up youtube to actually see if Evony had done so and the search results came up negative. So give me a link to that youtube video. And Shannon, False Advertising only applies to the United States of America that I know of. Since they are Chinese based, they can do whatever the hell they want, like they've always been doing. Posting up half naked women on evony....slowly killing off its enemies with lead infested toys....ect. You get the picture.
So yeah. Boo on them its really all about money. If they want to go down in The world records as being the gayest game on earth let em. People send hundreds of dollars just to play that stupid game. I just pray a team of Assassins Kills them all =)
Curtain of Pain — February 12, 2010
Dude, I play guitar so everytime I look up a tab or something and then click on the page from google, there's like evony ads all ofver the place. There's always chicks bending over half naked... not that I didn't like it ;D but i thought the thing was a porn game so I satyed away and then my friend said he'd been playin that game for a while and that it's basically the same thing as runescape. They're just using sex as ads.
Weston — February 13, 2010
Found this one where the chick's boobs just glow on and off. Ridiculous.
Unknown — February 13, 2010
Q : Why they show sexy boobs? A : Cuz they like to attract people to play the shitty game.
Anonymous — February 14, 2010
saw this one, It doesn't even state the game name, but it leads to evony...
lex — February 15, 2010
Where're KD and Bagelsan when you need them?
I am disturbed and alarmed by some of the "discussion" on this board. Troll city. This comment board could be of use, I suppose, in highlighting the inability of many to have rational and respectful arguments about representation and stereotypes.
I can't believe the moderators haven't removed the abusive and somewhat triggering tirades that are evident on this page.
"Verbally raping" people's arguments? Are you shitting me?
Keanen — February 15, 2010
Keanen — February 16, 2010
This is bullshit. I go to leave a comment with a couple links and it won't even show up. People, I found a new ad, want me to post about it? I guess not.
16 year old male — February 16, 2010
I have to agree with Shannon on this. Yes, I like girls. No, I don't think they should be half naked on every webpage on the internet. And I don't care what you people say, I don't believe children should be exposed to this. It doesn't matter if it causes you to rape someone or not. IT IS IMMORAL. What's sad is I actually used to play this game. It's rather fun. But when their ads came out, it really just ruined the game for me. And something tells me I'm not the only one to feel this way. I can't actually see these ads helping them.
16 year old male — February 16, 2010
I have to agree with Shannon on this. Yes, I like girls. No, I don't think they should be half naked on every webpage on the internet. And I don't care what you people say, I don't believe children should be exposed to this. It doesn't matter if it causes you to rape someone or not. IT IS IMMORAL. What's sad is I actually used to play this game. It's rather fun. But when their ads came out, it really just ruined the game for me. And something tells me I'm not the only one to feel this way. I can't actually see these ads helping them
bla — February 18, 2010
ah, i get it! there are no men in this game! then those make sense...
Shaylynn — February 23, 2010
I really don't like how Evony does this. It's not only misleading, but I, personally, find it somewhat sexist. Do you ever see ads with nude men? I sure haven't, but I think it would be a nice thing to see. Not because I like men, but because, for once, the media wouldn't be sexualizing women.
David Bailey — February 23, 2010
I like how everyone refers to moral or immoral without having defined a basis for moral absolutes. Obviously, you don't know what morality actually is. Your morality is relative: subjective. It's called relativism. If your culture accepts human sacrifice to a sun god for productive corn crops, then that's moral. Analogy, don't take me out of context. Your moral absolutes are relative to your culture. That's your definition of morality: relativism. You should frame your opinions within the framework of relativism. "I believe that this is wrong because I am a relativist and my culture deems it inappropriate." Otherwise, you're just a babbling idiot who likes to hear itself rant about its groundless opinions. So first, settle on a basis for moral absolutes, which you don't have. Then argue about morals, which you absolutely cannot you groundless, immoral, relativist.
you — February 24, 2010
Just another example of how men still rule this world...
Graham Mitchell — February 24, 2010
Man, this ad campaign just blows my mind. I notice the grammar is starting to fall apart, too ("come play my lord"?)
Nate — February 25, 2010
I am very upset too!! Blah Blah Blah .... However, I am upset for a different reason. I have been playing Evony, and will continue to play.. Because I could careless what others think. It upsets me that all these ads were out there, and I never saw them before. So, now I keep searching the Evony maps for a trail leading to to a woman who asked me to play? I cant seem to find her... Apparently Evony has done an amazing job of clouding my thoughts with scantily clad women, and I say carry on Evony. If you don't like it don't play. Who are you to pass judgment on how a company advertises?
John Wayne — February 26, 2010
Read how Evony (Reagan Mercantile) is stealing your money for a supposedly free game.
Souperb Saturdays at Mr. Scientist — February 27, 2010
[...] The game Evony is a browser based multiplayer online game that was made well-known not because of its gameplay, but because of its advertising campaign. These online ads got racier and racier, depicting females in seductive poses or clad with less clothes each time, although the game itself has nothing to do with sex, and the campaign in simply aimed at targeting males to play the game. Anyways, if you want to see examples of what I mean, documents a comprehensive list of them here. [...]
Earl — February 28, 2010
I tried Evony, and have to say I didn't care for it. i started playing before i saw any ads (involving scantily clad women or otherwise) and found it boring...I find the reactions and controversy to these ads interesting. Firstly, sex sells! It's been proven over and aver again. So I don't really see how Evony is any different from beer commercials, for example. Some people have been claiming it's porn, and whether or not that's true, people can't seem to figure if porn is right or wrong. I believe, that on a purely moral level it is wrong...though having said that, I have to admit i watch porn myself. I don't try to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do, but for women to say it is exploitative to the female sex, but not to the male sex is, well, incorrect. Men are just as naked as women, and just as likely to be watched (and lusted over). sex sells. But there is no sex in Evony, as far as I could tell. People (mostly guys) claim it is false advertising, but Evony makes no overt claims that what you are clicking on will display nearly nude, not actually false advertising.
So, Porn is wrong, but i watch it? Am I a hypocrite? No. I'm a legal adult who is capable of making his own decisions, and if I or any one else wants to do sonething..ANYTHING....then I believe we should be free to do it; so long as it doesn't unnecessarily harm anyone else. Now, you could argue that enabling the exploitation of people by watching porn is harmful....but to whom? I certainly don't think that any of the porn I've watched involved people who were forced into it, and from what i understand, some porn stars make a very respectable amount of money.
I think that sex and sexy images (and I've seen those that cater to women, too!) are here to stay, and as long as men and women feel sexual desire, that's never gonna change. I do think that there is too much exposure out there....any one with any brains at all can find it, and that includes children. I mean come on...porno is an act, real sex doesn't happen that way. But while I agree that porn does not contribute to rape etc, I do think that younger people can develop an unrealistic attitude towards sex.
Having said all that, I have to say that while the images in the Evony ads are provocative, I do not consider them porn. While they leave less to the imagination than other ads, I consider them no worse than beer commercials...really, if a young person wanted to see half naked men or women, they could pick up a catalogue and flip to the underwear section! Which perhaps goes to my earlier statement, and the sight of flesh, naked or almost so, is so prevalent that we just accept it, or become numb to at least the majority of sexy images, be they in beer commercials, billboards, or even catalogues. It's a societal norm now, and whether or not you agree with it I don't think it's going to change. So really the only option any of us have is to make our own decision....Don't watch it if you have a problem with it, and if you don't have a problem with it, fine, but at least be discreet!
AllRise — February 28, 2010
The People VS. Evony case in now open at AllRise online court. Join the debate and cast your vote -
kaelub — February 28, 2010
evony can suck a big one thar adds do nuthing with wut thay show someone shood report them to the F.B.I for fals addvertising and im not joking
Samantha — March 3, 2010
To everyone who's all like, "OMFG THIS OBJECTIFIES WOMEN", I would just like to point out that I'm pretty sure everyone does a little objectifying of everyone. And why shouldn't they? Can't you think someone is hot? I think it's stupid to blame males for 'objectifying women' based on the evony ads (even if they are ridiculous, hahahaha). Lesbians are just as capable of objectifying women, and woman are just as capable of objectifying men! And hey, if these ads are what works for the people who made Evony to get people to play their game, then good for them! If nothing else, at least Evony ads make me LOL. 8D
joe — March 6, 2010
jeez people, this article isnt about an argument about all this stuff! it's just about evony and the stupid adds for it. i dont see how those ads help though, as soon as someone logs into it they find out what its about, they leave forever.
though the "it makes you feel like a king!" thing is funny to me.
Anonymous — March 6, 2010
I don't like evony, false advertising on kid safe sites.
links for 2010-03-07 « AntiTerra — March 7, 2010
[...] Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads » Sociological Images (tags: ads advertising gaming gender sexism) in Allgemein GA_googleFillSlot("468x60_default"); [...]
Aight451234 — March 8, 2010
Well, all i can say is that a lot of kids get the wrong idea with these advertisements parade around. Ya, sure, you might not care, but who the f*ck are you (please, this is a parental issue, leave this to the big boys)? I disagree with the advertisement of sexual provoking images ON websites meant for kids.
The Ice Kid — March 9, 2010
These ads make me laugh out loud every time. I can't even take them seriously.
Also, there's a few other ads floating around that poke fun at the Evony ones. I recall one for some cartoon MMO or another captioned "You can play indiscreetly", with a funny animation... I can't grab a screenshot at the moment, but rest assured it's out there.
ccv — March 9, 2010
these are clearly adult content ads targeting children
zarathustra — March 11, 2010
Those guys at Evony have humour lol, they have absolutely no boundaries and they don't give a fuck. But for real, those ads are getting annoying.
wtf — March 11, 2010
Some todler's mother seems to like spamming these comments with her pro-censorship idealism. It's not that the ads are provocative, it's that they're misleading. The game itself sucks, and is certainly not "adult themed" or whatever you want to call it.
Dean — March 15, 2010
Anyone else hoping that they don't start making TV ads?
World of Lordcraft sets a new standard for copycats everywhere « Fangirlisms — March 17, 2010
[...] Because of their ad that popped up on WoWHead. Which, by the way, they probably ripped off from the ever-popular Evony skank ads, complete with the “Start your journey now, My Lord” [...]
Nick — March 17, 2010
I think it's absolutely hilarious that I found a copy of the porno they took the cover girls off of in my FYE store today, while helping a customer.
The ad they used it for was the Dec. '09 ad, man talk about straight up copyright infringement! All they did was just change the background to the sun setting in the background on water from the actual porno cover. That's just sad.
Evolution of Evony Game Video Adds - Gamerz Needs - For All Your Gaming Needs! — March 19, 2010
[...] of Evony Game Video Adds Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads Sociological Images Lol... __________________ Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Thanks me if i helped [...]
One who Knows Best — March 21, 2010
evony is such a stupid game whichhas nothing to do with women, or actually seeing images in game play, they just use ads like these to attract the common horny teen, and adults, and many fall for it. then getting "hooked" to the game it self spending tons of money to get an edge. very smart on thier part, very stupid depending on the people who actually fall for this money hungry game. DON"T BE VICTIM!
froggy — March 23, 2010
In the Madison Avenue game, sex sells. Advertisers have always known this. So your ads for whiter teeth, cars, liqueurs all have subliminal sex that hooks you all the time it pretends that it isn't there. But it is, and you'll find it when you start looking a little deeper behind the items being 'sold'. Magazines don't have sexy chicks on their covers for nothing; motorcycles don't have babes in hot pants leaning across the seats just for fun. Advertisers know that they need to make an ad appealing and sex does that faster than anything.
Evony cuts through all the bullshit and all the pretense. Evony hit, with genius, the ultimate target of all Madison avenue. Sex sells, and you don't even need to try to sell the product in your ad. Amazing. Genius. And the real genius is, they didn't have to wean the public to it gradually. Almost overnight they went to ads that had nothing to do with a game and everything to do with bobbing boobs.
Hayate — March 27, 2010
It seems people don't realize the abstract concept of a slippery slope. Just look at the moral degradation of society today. Anyone who doesen't support full blown hedonism is a "religious nut" or a "conservative" in the stereotypical negative connotations of the word. The general population has become so jaded it's down right scarey, and what are the positive effects of this moral relativism? New markets? Why is rampant hedonism such a noble cause in the eyes of the "liberal"? I'd like to mention the SAW movieseries, which started out at a psychologically chilling flick and ended up as a exploitational gorefest revolving around killing other people in ways that hasnt yet been seen on the silver screen. The first one had content and a message, the subsequent ones did not. I mention this because SAW is an exellent example of the slippery slope. And what of our kids? Our kids would pick up were we left off, meaning, when it's they're turn to "liberalise" it would mean further degradation of an alredy degraded starting point. Just imagine how "Saw 10" or "Saw 15" would look like.... Im writing this because i was watching the movie "The Road" yesterday and today i was philosophying weather or not i would decend to caniibalism and such, like most of the people in that movie. My conclusion was ofcourse that i would not, because im would know better, or even die rather than live like that. Earlier tonight i was surfing on the internet and thought i'd check out some porn, then it hit me, the reality of that film, and how i, given the ease in which i watch and get off at other peoples misery, would probably prey on others like the people in that film, because im doing it now, even though its not motivated by need, but by want, or desire. If desire makes me suport such evils as the porn industry, why do i think i would not, driven by need, support such a thing as cannibalism. It hit me how degraded i had become, and how my morals and principles had been compromised in the most profound way. I have become a corrupt individual, because society tells me that it's ok. "Liberals" like Jonathan argues that it's up to the individual, but on the other hand he's quick to label those who disagrees as some kind of stereotype whos oposed to freedom.
Freedom is an abstract term. I want freedom from the bombardment of unethical advertisements that applies scientific methods in the practice of manipulation. Theres even a a whole new field of marketing designed at targeting children. I want my children to be free of that. How can you argue that it's the individuals choice, when the individual gets advertisement spoon fed from the cradle to the grave. It's manipulation and it's uninhibited.
"If we continue down this road, we're going to end up where we're headed"
KP — March 28, 2010
New found:
Keita — April 5, 2010
Found this the other day. Unsure if it's made by the same company or not, but it's copying the ad style as well.
Games, Rumors, Courtroom Meltdowns and Lu Lu « Broken Toys — April 6, 2010
[...] * They just launched a shiny new version, with 100% more queens to save! * They stopped suing blogger/gadfly/really getting quite creepy stalker and not in a good way Bruce Everiss * Walt Yarbrough, whom I worked with on Dark Age of Camelot, and who's now heading up Evony's Boston studio gave an interview with Ars Technica, where he did about as well as could be expected given, you know, hey, Evony. [...]
Fangirlisms » Blog Archive » World of Lordcraft sets a new standard for copycats everywhere — April 9, 2010
[...] Because of their ad that popped up on WoWHead. Which, by the way, they probably ripped off from the ever-popular Evony skank ads, complete with the “Start your journey now, My Lord” [...]
Lindsey — April 13, 2010
Keita, WOrld of LordCraft is, IIRC, run by the same company but it's not the same game.
monring — April 26, 2010
my problem isn't the whole "obscene" thing. i don't care about that. my problem is that it's misleading. there's never a situation like that in evony. it's just a ploy. so in conclusion... these ads are immoral because they lie.
Steve — April 27, 2010
Incase anyone hasn't noticed Evony seriously does take its ads from porno magazines, not only do they steal their ads from other sources but they also simply used "save image as" on several other advertisements from other companies for their ingame avatars (such as DAZ 3D Productions). The game itself is somewhat sloppy and amazingly slow paced but is a good way to waste time. I do like playing the game despite my critism but i'm shocked the company hasn't been sued out of business.
Earl — April 29, 2010
For fuck sakes, people! It is NOT false advertising. The site does not overtly claim that there is provocative images in this game, nude or otherwise. Are the ads misleading? Yes, but only because the ad creators know how to attract attention. A hot woman, scantily clad or nude? OF COURSE any hetero, red-blooded male is going to look more closely at the image, and hope to see more of the same. Does that make us pigs? Maybe, maybe not, but the male brain is hardwired that way, AND EVONY KNOWS IT! It cannot really be called false advertising however, because as I said earlier, there are no OVERT claims, written or otherwise, which say you will encounter pics of hot women on the site. Every ad I've seen says "click to join" NOT "click to see hot chicks". If anyone logs onto the site looking for provocative images, it is through hope of seeing more, NOT because the ad promises more. Evony knows that the majority of men who see the sexy ads are going to HOPE to see more, BUT THEY DO NOT PROMISE IT!!!!! Misleading advertising? In a very real way, I think yes. But FALSE advertising? In the strictest sense, I've gotta say NO. Don't agree with me? Jump onto your search engine and find the definition of false advertising. Still don't believe me? Go back to school and re-educate yourself. STILL don't believe me? Take a long walk along a short pier---you might as well, you're all wet anyway.
Varrath Riley — May 3, 2010
I am hosting a petition to remove Evony's ads from the web. Please join me in my fight against this obscene and disguesting advertising ploy. Follow the link below to sign the petition and ad your voice! It will only take a moment.
David Ryley — May 8, 2010
How about you all just shut the fuck up? Jesus, it's a comment box, not some open end debate.
What Better Place for an Evony Ad? » Sociological Images — May 17, 2010
[...] swore months ago to never post another Evony ad. I’ve seen so many, and the direction they’re going seems pretty [...]
eagle poop — May 23, 2010
Objectification aside (and admit it, hot shirtless guys sell ungodly amounts of merchandise to women), I am more offended as a man. Offended FOR men, really. I am probably horribly misguided, but I'm straight-up insulted by these ads. How stupid do they think we are? There's a difference between marketing porn and marketing games. Sometimes they overlap, yeah, but I feel this inexplicable rage when I see these ads--like the Evony marketers think I am a pathetic meathead who can't enjoy anything if nobody's baring skin. I know they aren't pointing it at me in particular, but that's how I react to bad advertising. I've never played the game, because I like games made for gamers, but I never will because clearly the game has nothing to offer if this is what they resort to. It's like selling a car based on nothing more than a killer bass system.
Maybe there are more idiots out there than I like to think. Probably lots of dudes fall for this. Nobody I know though. Thank God. It's marketed to gullible idiots, and props to Evony for ensuring that their player base is comprised of losers and half-wits.
Shadow Blaze — May 25, 2010
First off, I would like to give Eagle poop a pat on the back. Then I would like to ask myself: WHY THE @#$! ARE THESE EVONY LOSERS PUTTING GIRS IN THIER UNDERWEAR ALL OVER THE INTERNET!?! :(
Shadow Blaze — May 25, 2010
Shadow Blaze — May 25, 2010
I have another question: Why is everyone arguing about an online game add? It's just pointless! :( :( :(
0xym0ron — May 26, 2010
The internet IS for porn. We don't give a damn about MMOs anymore..
..where did those days go?
Jack — May 26, 2010
I've seen adverts for this game all over the internet displaying women, which from the looks of it were nothing to do with the game in question. Which led me to typing "Why do evony adverts show women" into google which led me here.
I've never felt tempted at all to play this game, although I can be described as a gamer. It obviously isn't a good game if the only thing they think that they can sell their game with is skimply dressed women. I'm not sure how simple minded you have to be to think "omg boobs I think i'll go and have a look at this game!"
Mushyinc — May 26, 2010
I think its hilarious lololololololololololololol and plenty more lol
0xym0ron — May 27, 2010
Oh, yeah, and here are a few obvious parodies from Plants vs. Zombies.
Turtleguy — May 29, 2010
Hmm, I've seen quite a few of these. I remeer hat I actually had a mind to try it with the very very first ad I saw (the top one), but went to a new page, saw another, and decided against it. They need to understand that men do not blindly follow cleaveage or boobs...
Fishy — May 30, 2010
About the jan 2010 updtae... all I can say is OMFG.
I thought that ad was for some random mobile phone subscription >.>
See, it's not that I'm AGAINST scantily clad women in advertising, heck no... It's just Evony advertising this way is like Pokemon advertising by showing pictures of a huge musclebound guy in torn denim shorts holding rifles...
That and the ads begin to have less and less to do with Evony as the campaign goes on, ah well, at the very least it's something to laugh at, and something for Popcap to help us laugh at :P
Sexual messages in game advertising | Play Game Now — May 31, 2010
[...] Evony ads are the ones with the most interesting evolution, they passed from a knight to boobs like it was a normal thing to do. Studing their evolution is [...]
0xym0ron — June 2, 2010
After reading a reply from an administrator on the Evony forums to a thread now locked and abandoned, it seems that towards the end of the message he's claiming that Evony/Civony is not creating or publishing any of the ads below the first. But the mystery remains..who is?
Reading further on, he seems to say that who's really causing all of this is a dating website. However, they're doing it with their support. He doesn't apologize for the fact.
Briefly before, members began saying they had tossed a flurry of private messages towards the admins and mods, and posted their replies as well.
All of the replies seemed to go off-topic after the first sentence, and instead began focusing on how 'great' the game and community was. As a matter of fact, the game itself is, for the most part, riddled with glitches for some people (in some cases, some in-game objects have been known to dissapear--you don't get a refund, BTW) and, thanks to the adverts, many of the members of the game community are prone to talking about, shall we say...suggestive stuff. Not saying it's horrible, but it's not going to be on my list anytime soon.
And some additional information; once you're greeted with the register screen, the one that requests your 'Nice name', password, and email, you're automatically directed to the game. Weird, huh.
Anonymous — June 4, 2010
Women were created by the Lord Jesus Christ himself to serve men
d — June 4, 2010
Funny. I am a MMORPG addict, and it's difficult to find games where you can create good female characters. But this particular game never appealed to me. I know now why XD
Ick — June 6, 2010
Its gotten to the point where i am embarrassed to visit FML, since they are sponsored by Evony. I have actually seen most of the later ones, and have to scroll down quickly to view a page.
Orion — June 6, 2010
I got in trouble when i was on... i think xat, cant remember. my grandparents thought i was on a porn site...
lobstra — June 9, 2010
When the ad was just a soft-focus fantasy babe making a sex face with the caption "play now, my lord," I was a little squicked out by the connotations. Now that the ads are straight up lingerie models, not even trying to look like they have anything to do with the game, I find it too over-the-top and absurd to be offensive. It's just so lazy. Tons of fantasy games, movies and books rely on hot fantasy babes to get sales. The whole warrior in a chainmail bikini thing. But Evony's advertisers aren't even trying to make the cheesecake they're using to lure in nerds look fantasy themed anymore. It's amazing and kind of sad.
Tigs — June 25, 2010
to all those who are worried about the kids, all I have to say is back up a second, the training begins at home and if you are so naive to think that what you had to say as a parents does not matter then sorry for your loss. don't have a computer at home then, I bet you do, stop being afraid of what they might see, you cannot hold their hand 24/7/365. All we can do is try to keep alive what our parents and grandparents TRIED, and I mean TRIED to teach us as we grew up. We all find our own path, we can only hope it's a good path, but never give up trying to teach!
The Unpromised One — June 26, 2010
I've heard some very bad things about this game. The fact that they just take pictures of hot women from various sources without permission is bad enough, but they just seem to think everybody's stupid enough to fall for their bullcrap. There are no sexually appealing damsels in distress in that game. In fact, I'd be surprised if there were any women at all in it. Worse still, I've heard talk about them harvesting massive amounts of data from the computers of those who play this game. Yeah. I strongly suggest that everyone just stay the hell away from this one.
Nick — July 8, 2010
I don't really care how good or bad the game is, I just like looking at their tits lol
Anonymous — August 22, 2010
Might have escaped people's attention but these Ads are NOT created by Evony. Has anyone ever considered that it could be the affiliate program that is responsible for these ads. People get paid for referring people to Evony. It is THOSE people who are creating these ads because THEY are the ones that think advertising "porn" will generate more signups/clicks for which they get paid.
I am an Evony player and I signed up after seeing a REAL evony advert on Facebook.
Grant — August 22, 2010
Up until a few months ago I had assumed that those ads were the equivalent of the 'shoot the duck' ones from a long time ago, fake games or porn that would install malware in your computer. You can't imagine my utter surprise to learn that this was an actual game.
Anonymous — October 3, 2010
lol...too desperate
Jonathan Barnard — October 7, 2010
I actually play this game, I have to say I do find it fun, but the ads are just taking the whole sex-image marketing concept a step too far, I mean the girls are very nice and the laddish side of me enjoys the images (yes I admit to having a side to me that enjoys this kind of thong) but I just find this stupid, for one thing once you've signed up for the game the delicious looking ladies are no-where to be found and secondly this kind of game could be marketed really easily without semi-nudity.
I used to play a game called Travian, slightly simpler graphics but the game concept was exactly the same and they regularly have extremely busy servers showing that they're doing pretty well through simple banner ads, they manage this without busty period dressed women, de-robing women or even de-robed women, the ad campaign evony exhibits is unnecessary although the fact that we're discussing it is surely evidence in itself that the ads are eye-catching if nothing more and that is the purpose of an ad campaign.
Grant — October 10, 2010
A word of warning, though I have not confirmed this myself I have been warned by multiple individuals that I trust that the thing is largely a spyware program that allows people to play while it farms for data. I would suggest that people avoid this and only use it with the utmost caution.
Sam — November 2, 2010
Personally, I'd play the game if there WASN'T a mostly naked woman on the advert. I happen to LIKE these sorts of game, and while I also like women in various state of undress, unless these women appear in the game or have some bearing on it, they have no place on the ads.
I came across the first and second ads, and was severely tempted to sign up, then opened another tab while I filled in the sign up form, caught sight of the mostly naked ladies, and changed my mind.
Way to lose players, guys, even if it's not actually evony themselves who made to softcore-porn ads. I can say this as a woman myself, so you can't even accuse me of sexism against the adverts, or something stupid like that.
Lucas — November 21, 2010
Looks like they're focusing on representing their game in the ads now.
Evony players by Thumper - TribalWar Forums — December 4, 2010
[...] [...]
Yomandude — January 22, 2011
As Daniel Floyd would say, this is an embarrasment to the medium. There's nothing I can say that would illuminate how idiotic this is.
chipman — January 27, 2011
ive played this evony game (i saw the first add when i clicked on it) its a fun game for what it is, but seriously, if you dont think that what you made is going to get people to play your game and you need half naked women to sell your game, someting is wrong with you, its just sad how far down they went.
C0RB1N — February 9, 2011
This is very sexist to women around the world. Evony should have stopped at the first add but no, they had to be a d1c about this and decide to go straight to a down right cleavage campaign. If they can't find a new type of way to market adds for their gaming, then they must be out of their freaking mind. somebody, and i dont mean me, should sue those idiots for even thinking of this campaign. this is incredebly rude to everyone arounds the globe and i feel that this may be the beginning of how our children will get sucked into porn. this is a stupid way to advertise their game. and the add where it asks to change body parts?! i almost chucked my frekin laptop out the window. it was so rude and sexist! if u play this game, i suggest u stop or face the eiminent (i think that's how you spell it) consequences. this game will hopefully be shut down soon and we can all turn to the main topic. i was scrolling down a website and saw an evony ad the first one with the guy with a sword. I clicked. 2 weeks later i saw the next one. i ignored. then the next came out and i saw the current result from a mile away. im not trying to b1tch about it but it should be put to a stop. I think that this is a small thing compared to the big picture. I was doing a project for my work and searched "curious" because we had to fand a pic for curiousity. if u ever searched that, hidden in all of the curious george pics are some very rude pics featuring women/children being in curiosity category when the might as well be in the porn or porn related joke category. Ever wonder on how to get rid of them? see that button that says report rude pics? click it and frekin report those pics! get rid of them. it is a fact that more than 80% of all pics are porn or sex related. if it would be put to a stop, we can save our children, grandchildren, and on from the threat that porn poses on the internet. 94.7% of all children use the internet. they evidently see the pics. they like them. they cant help it. they get sucked into a raging vortex of nudity and porn and never get out. then when they get to be adults, they need to pick a career. they think "oh, i remember i used to like this and....." before u know it u got another porn creator on the internet. i know u think "oh, 1 little man cant be that bad can it?" well, one little man made all the evony adds! and think. out of millions of those people! we need to put a stop to this to save the world from a porn filled life.
Axel Wedstar — February 14, 2011
All you need to sell somthing is boobies/abs!
Kelly — March 4, 2011
Interesting that this article doesn't even mention what the game itself is about. Victim of its marketing, too. :(
You — April 8, 2011
I wonder how many people tried the game because of this article.
Evony: Encyclopedia | Travel Guide tourist places, hotels, travel facts, tourism information — June 22, 2011
[...] ^ [...]
Kspratt11 — July 11, 2011
this is one of my PET PEEVES!!!! i hate when objectified female bodies are thrown into situations that seem have nothing to do with women!!! a good exmple of this is cheerleader what the hell are nfl/nba cheerleaders for and why are they all female. this type of sexism really erks me! it would be one thing if they had strong respectable female characters but even if they did doesnt their objectification ie "fuckability" counteract that respectability???
G Boylan — July 15, 2011
I saw one once for a real-time strategy game (you know, without any detailed characters, and definitely without any breasts) that just said straight-up "Are you 18+ enough to play?" Funniest ad I've ever seen.
Adverts that make you ask...why?! - Page 2 - — July 18, 2011
[...] Re: Adverts that make you ask...why?! Has anyone seen these before? They are so ridiculous Evolution of Evony Video Game Ads Sociological Images [...]
Punky Skunk217 — July 29, 2011
It's a shame that people think anyone who likes fantasy games are a bunch of immature douchebag-y boys, when in reality there are just as many female players as male. Sexism is alive and well on the internet, it seems.
Here comes the flood? | Babylon Is For Vampires — September 2, 2011
[...] advertising using highly sexualized women; for instance, the ads for the online video game Evony are especially bad. Well if I’m transgendered that explains those thoughts doesn’t it? Or does that [...]
Solchak — November 3, 2011
I think it is exciting to play games like Evony but on the other hand it is not good for women to be shown in this style. This is just a game and not a reality. We should rather focus on living a real life than having a "virtual girlfriend". But is is just my opinion. I like action games such as Cactus McCoy - and do not fancy those virtual friend games very much.
Shaun’s iOS Roundup Pt. 1 — November 7, 2011
[...] the one-time (and possible still) king of the hill, Evony (you know, that browser game that everyone laughed at for shit like this). There is even a woman wearing improbable combat gear on the splash screen. Boobs, lightsabres, [...]
Llikeaboss — November 13, 2011
Mpryan1992 — November 18, 2011
I smell des-spir-aaaaaate!
Evony at it Again — November 24, 2011
[...] brilliant, Evony is working on a new advertising campaign. Evony is probably best known for their premiscuous advertising exploits, but more recently had toned it down. But now they are back and are looking for someone, ie. some [...]
lambdadelta — November 27, 2011
For the longest time I ignored those Evony ads, assuming the game was some kind of 3D sex simulation deal or possibly a takeoff on those explicit Japanese dating/sexual assault sims. I was surprised to find out from other online articles that it was just a shitty third-tier Age of Empires/Civilization ripoff, with no boobs to be found. For shame.
Double/Triple the current EXP rate until Episode 4 comes? - Page 2 — January 24, 2012
[...] [...]
Ml — February 21, 2012
A new mmo browser game company has started copying Evony's strategy. The game itself is comparable to the old school 'Tibia' only with poorer graphics, and it's a browser game,'s turn based. But add cleavage to the ads and everyone wants to play it for a few seconds.
link to ad screenshot:
Femmedia - Targeting Men - Part 2 — March 9, 2012
[...] is demonstrated with an astounding amount of clarity in the Evony Ads. The ads automatically default to a male viewer with the statement “Start Your Journey Now, [...]
Jeremy — March 11, 2012
Nissa_2000 — March 29, 2012
This is disgusting. I wish men were sexualised in these ways so they would see that it really is a big deal and that women are totally justified to be livid about this!
7 Deadly Sins of the Game Industry « Good Gal Games — May 5, 2012
[...] Do I really have to spell this out? Look at all the female characters. They are dressed like strippers, not adventurers. A recent example is the game Tera. While it might be a fun game, it reinforces a unrealistic body ideal, that will take an even stronger hold in people’s mind. And who can forget the ad campaign for Evony? [...]
GlocK-7 — May 15, 2012
Love how they get mocked by OTHER game ads. XD
SteveSH — May 20, 2012
I really wish cracked hadn't linked to this website.... because it is going to bring in a lot of people who will try to find reasons to argue with everything here. : /
Dustinckingsbury — May 21, 2012
The women in the ads don't seem to mind. Why should you?
Obscurity2000 — May 21, 2012
I WISH that men would be objectified and worshipped like women are! I WISH men could go to the bar/club, wearing sexy clothes, and be guaranteed sex that night. You bitches have it easy...stop your complaining and enjoy the attention.
moe hammoud — May 22, 2012
I LOVE CRACKED, Great article
Guestaroonydoony — May 23, 2012
with all you arguing about how its objectifying and such, well of course it is, i dont have a problem with that the only problem i have is that it is misleading, as for objectifying women i think that those women simply objectified themselves by agreeing to do the ads for the game
Penny Arcade vs Rape Culture « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows — June 1, 2012
[...] assertion that sexism and rape culture aren’t part of mainstream gaming culture – or even that they’re [...]
Penny Arcade vs Rape Culture « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows — June 1, 2012
[...] assertion that sexism and rape culture aren’t part of mainstream gaming culture – or even that they’re [...]
Captainbyah — June 4, 2012
So...has any actually played the damn game?
Erica — June 9, 2012
Honestly, this article made me laugh--and then it made me feel good to be a feminist and an educated individual. It made me realize that there are people out there who can see straight through an ad's "sex appeal," and at least one person with enough initiative to show others how ridiculous it is.
Plus, the desperation behind cutting to the "good bits" (as in example 8) is freaking hilarious.
Zepaw — June 16, 2012
I imagine people who join through these ads leave after 2 minutes when they realize the game and the ads have no connection.
arthurdent — June 23, 2012
The really absurd thing about Evony and these ads is this: There ARE no playable characters in this game... All it was was building walls and houses and barracks. Even when you build "armies", you never see the army... just "100 soldiers ready". And when you sent the army out all you got was "200 soldiers sent" followed by "200 soldiers returned". I used to play it long ago and quit it when I got tired of it.
William Whiley — July 20, 2012
I love Empire Building games, but I never even checked Evony because I thought it was one of those virus ads.
I might have tried it out if it wasn't trying so hard to get me to play it, I didn't even know it was an Empire Building game until now.
Prof. Vitellary — August 22, 2012
Really, Evony? Using porn to advertise an un-porny game.. Why are they all women anyway?
Feminist Writings: Sex, Lies, and Videogames | Hikikomoiegaku — September 1, 2012
[...] game Soulcaliber V doesn’t even bother to show the woman’s face, just her tits. Another article highlights how the online game Evony was using banner ads with progressively less dressed women, [...]
Matman1011 — September 2, 2012
You missed the very first Evony adds. The one I clicked on when they only had one server was a plain black background with bold, white text in the middle that said: "Play Me".
I played it for a few months after that and really got a kick as I watched their adds look more and more like a desperate dating site.
Modern Game Advertising - SLUniverse Forums — October 5, 2012
[...] [...]
Milkvamp — November 12, 2012
That is appalling. Especially when you actually play Evony and realize how far away it is from anything to do with a naked woman. I think it's insulting to men, really. It suggests that they would click on any ad with a naked woman on it, but aren't smart enough to decide whether they want to play to play a game based on what it actually is. Warriors? no, thanks. Oh, warriors and BOOBS? will do!
Alinsson Wayne — December 3, 2012
I found another one at
Sexism In Gaming: A Response To Gabrielle Toledano « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows — January 19, 2013
[...] and fellow students alike; they must then enter an industry whose creative output is overwhelmingly populated with hypersexualised depictions of women and male-dominant narratives, and where the entrenched [...]
The Perfect Ten: Memorable marketing campaigns — January 24, 2013
[...] entirely convinced that there will be entire marketing textbooks dedicated to analyzing the gonzo progression of ads for online Civilization clone Evony (if there isn’t already). What started as benign ads with [...]
Wartune – One intense social game | Dorkadia — February 21, 2013
[...] robot-mafia-cow. I tend to lump the browser based games (especially the ones with ads featuring ridiculously busty women) like Evony or Ultima Online into pretty much the same category. So when I kept seeing ads [...]
Not safe for anything: Misleading banner ads | Seasoned Executive — March 27, 2013
[...] product entirely; a malware-ridden strategy game similar to Civilization gained notoriety for its blatantly misleading ad campaign, which at one point consisted on nothing but images of scantily clad [...]
Mike32290 — March 31, 2013
lol I see the one that got me addicted to this game....the 5th an 6th one down...Never played a comp. game before, thought I was getting on a free dating site. Once I was in an messed around a bit got hooked, 4yrs later like 8 servers under my belt still hooked....Damn you misleading advertising, you made me lose years of my life and hundreds of dollars........
Campbell256 — May 1, 2013
it just pisses me off how the game is probably complete crap yet a bunch of teenagers in a garage will try everything just to get players, that will be disappointed to find the game has nothing to do with the ads, making them the record holder for the world's stupidest ads. It's ridiculous how people resort to this kind of thing. Seriously, the ads had nothing to do with the game, a few of the ads were pictures of random women, like that picture of boobs, and that game thing. It's ridiculous, and they should be classified as one of those adware programs that you get when you download something off the internet and it replaces the Google ads that are actually dam steroids and fake weight loss ads that are filled with viruses. RIDICULOUS
Dmitry M — May 20, 2013
Bleh, whatever, it's marketing. Who is really surprised by this?
I would be surprised if a game developer with a reputation did this - take a popular Nintendo title for example, but this is cheap online game.
World of Lordcraft Sets a New Standard for Copycats | Fangirlisms — July 14, 2013
[...] Because of their ad that popped up on WoWHead. Which, by the way, they probably ripped off from the ever-popular Evony skank ads, complete with the “Start your journey now, My Lord” [...]
Gjesteinnlegg: Puppe-propaganda og fantasy-fetisjer | FraüLei — August 6, 2013
[...] etter nye spillere. Et godt eksempel er spillet Evony som til slutt ikke ser ut som noe annet enn en ad for porno. Men for en bransje ivrig etter salg, gjør de mye for å frastøte 50% av potensiale kjøpere; [...]
Keeg — September 13, 2013
My brother and I have been sending each other ads like this every time we found a new one. This is a better complilation than we had.
May i suggest also looking at "Wartune" ?
World of Lordcraft Sets a New Standard for Copycats | Fangirlisms — February 5, 2014
[…] Because of their ad that popped up on WoWHead. Which, by the way, they probably ripped off from the ever-popular Evony skank ads, complete with the “Start your journey now, My Lord” […]
Cheezwizz — August 16, 2014
Wasn't Evony the Civilization clone that went so far as to make exact copies of the game text from Civ on top of basically being the exact same game with a different title?
Khandaker Shayel — September 7, 2014
I miss these ads lmfao I mean now they have other games but this is the start.
SmokinGuitar — November 23, 2014
I have spent years purposely not clicking ads for this game on suspicion of it being a stroke-fest. I wondered why it was being advertised all over the place.
Now that I know that it's not just a T&A game I'm actually more interested in playing it! So how does that grab you, game companies?
neoselen — December 13, 2014
this one isn't bad also :p
Andy — March 3, 2015
These free online game ads are all shoddy, boobage or not. I've seen hundreds of these, each with less context than the last. If anything, they just make me shy away from the game (though I haven't had this problem since I installed an adblocker on my browser, thankfully). This only goes to show that some PR people still hasn't evolved beyond the mentality that every gamer is an underage, pimple-faced kid who likes to spend time jerking off to porn when they're alone.
Either way, I wouldn't jump into a game I never heard of before, even if it's by word of mouth. Especially with this kind of crappy campaign - I see all those "free online ninja game" banners with Naruto images plastered all over and think, does Shueisha or Masashi Kishimoto know they're doing this to their property? And don't get me started when they threw One Piece into the mix. This isn't inviting to me, it's confusing at the very least.
Tap Titans & incremental games: is it enough to simply exist? — March 20, 2015
[…] almost all for Game of War: Fire Age, the big budget Clash of Clans competitor which has adopted an Evony-style advertising campaign to attract players (thereby making it pretty much the final word in cynical, regressive bullshit). […]
Four Concepts from 150 Years of Marketing | Geeks @SocialRank — June 9, 2015
[…] Evony’s sexist display ads for its video […]
Boobaholic Bob — June 28, 2015
Too many boring words down here going to have to scroll back up for the boobies...
World of Lordcraft Sets a New Standard for Copycats - Fangirlisms — August 21, 2015
[…] Because of their ad that popped up on WoWHead. Which, by the way, they probably ripped off from the ever-popular Evony skank ads, complete with the “Start your journey now, My Lord” […]
THE SUICIDAL OCTOPUS by Anni C. Korzeniowski — August 28, 2015
[…] I thought of the word clickbait I just thought of either tits or those awful Evony ads that have nothing to do with the product being […]
Strange New Words — October 24, 2015
[…] covers and advertising are not a fierce mainstay of strategy games, but is well known thanks to the the Evony advertising campaign. I’m pretty sure when Command and Conquer: Red Alert III featured Natasha Volkova and Yuriko […]
Mind Games | The World of Chinese — October 29, 2015
[…] exactly “responsible” for this kind of advertising, but they took it to a whole new level. Their 2009 ad campaign was pilloried for its sexy “save the princess” ads, when the game didn’t even have any […]
Jonathan Hughes — December 19, 2015
The fact that the lady in the third ad appears to be more alarmed at the *viewer* than at the sword pointed at her heart really sums up these ads.
DJose — February 1, 2016
What I don't understand is why the spyware companies haven't caught on yet and just focused on games that continue the process and cater to the same people who get drawn in by the ads.
i know that there are games out there like that, but I never figured out why Evony didn't continue the evolution process and become Boobcraft or Nakedladyville or something.
John — June 17, 2016
I like seeing how many people get actively offended from this, because that means they still have some hope that humanity can be better than that. I simply shrug my shoulders and move on.
stuff — July 10, 2016
Has the Evony headquarters got the Raging Man War yet? I'd love to know.
Ian — July 11, 2016
That blonde woman in the "Come play, my lord." and the "Start your journey now, my lord." isn't even attractive. She has a very average face. And that queen on the third ad is just plain creepy!
This is probably the worst ad campaign of all time. Couldn't they at least keep the medieval theme? That sign-up screen looks like that of a porn site!
"Verdoppel deine Page Impressions oder du fliegst!" — August 4, 2016
[…] ein. Dazu gibt es ein schönes, wenn auch inzwischen betagtes Beispiel: In the Evolution of the Evony Ads könnt ihr im Schnelldurchlauf beobachten, wie wenig Iterationen es bis zum Entgleisen […]
m0r1arty — October 17, 2016
Hi, I'm from the future!
It's still a shitty game which leaks information, check it out!
Anonymous — June 25, 2018
this is why ACTUAL quality games do not advertise boobs even though they have boobs. Imagine how few people would actually play DDLC if it was advertised like these ridiculous ads.
Leila D. — September 7, 2018
What's so funny about this to me is that I used to play Evony when I was like 9, because my ex. step dad used to play it. I wasn't playing for the boobs, I was playing for the tycoon aspect and never even realized boobs were what attracted other players loool
أفضل وحد — December 24, 2018
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این شهر جذاب به راحتی به ساحل دسترسی دارد و دارای چشم اندازی طبیعی و زیبا می باشد. طبیعت و چشم اندازی که ساکنین و توریست ها می توانند از آن نهایت لذت را ببرند. استفاده از قایق های تفریحی و سفرهای دریایی در این شهر خیلی راحت تر از دیگر شهرها و مناطق کشور ترکیه است. برنامه های شبانه عالی، فستیوال های فوق العاده و تفریحات تابستانی بی نظیر زبانزد تمامی کسانی است که به این شهر سفر کرده اند یا در آن زندگی می کنند.
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شرکت لوله بازکنی در تهران بزرگ یکی از برترین های این حوزه می باشد که سالیان سال است در این زمینه فعالیت دارد و آماده ارائه خدمات در باز کردن انواع لوله های حمام، توالت فرنگی و ایرانی، حیات، آشپزخانه و…
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Kylian Mbappe will miss the first leg of his side's Champions League last-16 tie against Bayern Munich with a thigh injury.
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AC Milan v Tottenham: Financial gap between Premier League and Europe 'too big' - Stefano Pioli
The financial gap between the Premier League and the rest of Europe's top divisions is "too big", says AC Milan head coach Stefano Pioli.
Premier League clubs spent £815m during the January transfer window - nearly four times the combined £225m spent in Spain, Italy, Germany and France.
Pioli's Milan host Tottenham in the Champions League last 16 on Tuesday.
"I prefer to concentrate on on-field matters, but there's no match for them economically," the Milan coach said.
The Premier League's financial dominance in Europe increased to the highest pr
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Sergio Ramos: The big noise at the heart of the Paris St-Germain defence who refuses to quietly retire
At the age of 36 with 180 caps, a World Cup, two European Championships, four Champions Leagues,
five La Ligas and one Ligue 1 title most footballers would be happy to enjoy retirement sitting in their luxurious home.
But then Sergio Ramos is far from your average multimillionaire footballer.
When announced as 'Best Defender of all Time' at the Globe Soccer Awards in December the Spaniard said: "I still have many dreams and goals to fulfil."
He has already ended his international career though after being told by new Spain head coach Luis de la Fuente that he doesn't figure in the national side's plans and his future at Paris St-Germain looks increasingly uncertain.เว็บบาคาร่า
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Chelsea 2-0 Borussia Dortmund (agg 2-1): Graham Potter enjoys finest night as Blues boss
Graham Potter gazed at the floor as Kai Havertz stepped forward in the moment that had the capacity to release the pressure valve that has been tightening on Chelsea's manager.
Potter's Chelsea were charged with turning around Borussia Dortmund's 1-0 lead from the first leg of this Champions League last-16 tie and Raheem Sterling's first-half goal put them halfway there.
Here, however, was Havertz standing over a re-taken penalty with tension at such a boiling point around Stamford Bridge that Potter simply could not bear to watch as the German stepped forward.
The thunderous roars and the bearhugs from his backroom staff delivered the good news and Chelsea went on to close out a win that was,
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Manchester City are ready to accept a bid this summer of between £45 and £50m for Portugal winger Bernardo Silva, 28. (Football Insider)
Newcastle United are interested in a summer move for England defender Marc Guehi, 22, although Crystal Palace are asking for a fee of about £60m. (Football Insider)
Thiago Alcantara is attracting interest from foreign clubs, including those in Saudi Arabia, although Liverpool have yet to receive an official bid for the Spain midfielder, 32. (Times - subscription required)
Arsenal's £105m deal to sign England midfielder Declan Rice, 24, is close to being finalised, with the guaranteed portion of the fee expected to be paid to West Ham over three instalments. (Guardian)
Arsenal, Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham are among a large group of clubs who have shown an interest in Red Bull Salzburg's Israel midfielder Oscar Gloukh, 19. (Guardian)
Brighton's Spain goalkeeper Robert Sanchez, 25, has emerged as a potential target for Manchester United. (Mail)เว็บบาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 8, 2023
There is "no patience" in football and Chelsea must "deliver from day one", says new manager Mauricio Pochettino.
The former Tottenham boss, 51, has taken over at Stamford Bridge on a two-year deal with the option of a third.
Chelsea endured a terrible 2022-23 season in which they had three managers and finished 12th in the league.
"It is about delivering from now," Pochettino said at his unveiling. "We cannot tell the people we need six months to create something."
Speaking at his first news conference at Stamford Bridge, he added: "I spoke with the owners in a really good way. They are clever people and I feel good. I am not a coach who needs to ask for power.
"The most important thing I need to show them is to trust in me and the players and the fans can trust my decisions and the way we operate."บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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aoymao — July 10, 2023
England Under-21s: 'Family feeling' key to win says Levi Colwill
Chelsea defender Levi Colwill says England's European Under-21 Championship success is down the the squad feeling "like a family".
England beat Spain 1-0 in the final to win the competition for the first time since 1984.
And Colwill, 20, praised boss Lee Carsley for creating that close dynamic among the players.
"We've felt like a family during this whole time we've been together. We were so close and it showed," he said.
"I feel like this team we had was more than just individuals.บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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aoymao — July 13, 2023
Fulham have rejected a £25m bid from Saudi Pro League side Al-Hilal for Serbia striker Aleksandar Mitrovic.
The 28-year-old, who joined Fulham from Newcastle for a reported £22m in 2018, has three years left on his contract.
Sources at Fulham told BBC Sport they dismissed the offer out of hand and have no desire to sell Mitrovic.
Al-Hilal have signed Chelsea defender Kalidou Koulibaly and Wolves midfielder Ruben Neves this summer.
Mitrovic scored 14 Premier League goals last season as Fulham finished 10th on their return to the top flight.
He broke the Championship scoring record with 43 goals in 44 games during their promotion-winning season in 2021-22.เค้าไพ่บาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 17, 2023
New Tottenham manager Ange Postecoglou says he has spoken to Harry Kane but the chat was "nothing earth-shattering".
The 29-year-old England captain has been linked with a move to Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich this summer.
Postecoglou said that while Kane is still at Spurs, he remains "totally committed to what we're doing".
Spurs are in Postecoglou's native Australia, preparing to face West Ham in a pre-season friendly on Tuesday.
At a news conference in Perth on Monday, Postecoglou said: "I had a good chat with Harry.
"It was nothing earth-shattering as people are seeking. Just a good chat, introduced myself, and we spoke mainly about the club, where it's at and where he thinks can improve.บาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 18, 2023
Barcelona's new signing Ilkay Gundogan says he still has "a lot to prove" after he was unveiled at the Catalan club following his move from Manchester City.
The German midfielder, 32, captained City to the Treble last season, playing a key role with 11 goals in 51 games.
He has signed a two-year deal at Barca after joining on a free transfer.
"Even though I'm older, I'm prepared for the challenge and I still have a lot to prove," said Gundogan.
Gundogan was presented at Barcelona's training facilities on Monday. He will now play under Xavi - who played under City boss Pep Guardiola at Barcelona from 2008-2012, winning a Spanish treble in 2009.
"The style is very similar to what I played at City," Gundogan said.
"Guardiola and Xavi are very similar. I felt a connection with Xavi from the first moment we talked. When I spoke to him I knew they [Barcelona] were on the right track.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
aoymao — July 19, 2023
Spain defender Jordi Alba will join former Barcelona team-mates Lionel Messi and Sergio Busquets at Inter Miami, said club president Jorge Mas.
Mas said the 34-year-old full-back has signed a contract and should be available to face Atlanta on Tuesday.
Alba, who left Barcelona in the summer when his contract expired, spent more than 10 years with the Spanish giants, scoring 27 goals in 459 matches.
He helped them win six La Liga titles and the Champions League in 2015.
Argentina World Cup winner Messi, 36, and Alba's fellow Spain international Busquets, 35, have already made the switch to the United States' Major League Soccer.
Messi and Busquets, who have signed deals until 2025, were presented to a cheering crowd of around 20,000 Inter Miami fans at the club's DRV PNK Stadium on Sunday, flanked by co-owner and ex-England captain David Beckham.เว็บบาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 21, 2023
Manchester United have completed the £47.2m (55m euro) signing of goalkeeper Andre Onana from Inter Milan.
The Cameroon international, 27, has signed a five-year contract, with the option of a 12-month extension.
The deal is worth an initial £43.8m plus a possible £3.4m in add-ons, and the former Ajax keeper is set to join up with the United squad on their pre-season tour of the United States.
"To join Manchester United is an incredible honour," he said.
"I have worked hard all my life to get to this moment, overcoming many obstacles along the way."บาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 24, 2023
PSG activated Brazil forward Neymar's release clause to make him the most expensive player in the world.
Should he move, Mbappe will have commanded two of the three highest fees paid for a player after joining PSG from Monaco for £166m in 2017.
Chelsea, Manchester United, Tottenham, Inter Milan and Barcelona have all expressed an interest in Mbappe, who has previously said he intends to leave PSG for free at the end of next season and is believed to prefer a move to Real Madrid.
PSG are open to the idea of Mbappe leaving on loan this summer to see out the final year of his contract elsewhere.
This would allow him to join Real Madrid for nothing in 12 months' time, keep playing this season and generate a loan fee for PSG.บาคาร่า
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aoymao — July 25, 2023
Wilfried Zaha has joined Galatasaray following the expiration of his Crystal Palace contract.
Zaha, 30, has signed a three-year deal and will be paid a signing on fee of 2.35m euros (£2m) and an annual salary of 4.35m euros (£3.75m), the Turkish club said.
Zaha started out at Palace aged just 12, spending most of his career there.
The forward made 458 appearances for the Eagles, the third-most in the club's history, and scored 90 goals.
He scored seven times last season, and wore the captain's armband on multiple occasions before a hamstring injury ruled him out of the last two matches of the campaign.
Zaha issued a message to Palace fans a day before his move was announced.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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UFAZ875 — July 27, 2023
Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino says he must make tough decisions as he aims to reduce his "massive squad" after a pre-season draw with Newcastle.
The Blues, who took 29 players to the United States, played out a 1-1 draw in front of more than 70,000 in Atlanta.
Miguel Almiron cancelled out Chelsea summer signing Nicolas Jackson's 12th-minute opener.
But Pochettino said he wanted to reduce the squad before their Premier League opener against Liverpool on 13 August.
He added morale could be affected if there were numerous players in the squad not getting regular game time.
"At the moment the dynamic is very good, really good guys and they are sharing the time together," Pochettino said.เว็บบาคาร่า
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UFAZ875 — July 28, 2023
Riyad Mahrez has completed his transfer from Manchester City to Saudi Pro League side Al-Ahli.
The 32-year-old, who had two years left on his contract, is the latest big-name recruit by the SPL in a deal worth up to £30m.
City paid £60m for Algeria winger Mahrez in 2018, and he scored 15 goals in 47 games in the Blues' Treble-winning campaign last season.
"To play for Manchester City has been an honour and privilege," said Mahrez.
"I came to City to win trophies and enjoy my football. I achieved all that and so much more.
"I've made a lifetime of wonderful memories. Manchester City will forever be a huge and happy part of my life."เว็บบาคาร่า
UFAZ875 — July 28, 2023
Bayern Munich executives are flying to London for a new round of talks with Tottenham over an £86m deal for England forward Harry Kane, who turns 30 on Friday. (Telegraph - subscription required)
Paris St-Germain also believe they are in the mix to sign Kane if Tottenham choose to sell him. (Sky Sports)
Manchester United are continuing to hold talks with Fiorentina over Morocco midfielder Sofyan Amrabat, 26, while they work on moving 30-year-old Brazilian Fred out of the club. (90min)
RB Leipzig are ready to set a deadline of 12 August, when they play in the German Super Cup, for Manchester City to complete a move for Croatia defender Josko Gvardiol, 21. (Mail)
Nigeria striker Victor Osimhen, 24, is in talks with Napoli about extending his contract with the Italian champions. (Sky Sports Italia)
Chelsea have suffered a blow in the transfer market with 29-year-old Argentina forward Paulo Dybala set to sign a new contract with Roma. (Tuttomercatoweb - in Italian)บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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Jal supply chain — July 30, 2023
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UFAZ875 — July 31, 2023
Players face harsher punishments for bad behaviour under new FA rules
Players and managers have been warned they face tougher punishments for poor behaviour at games.
The new penalties are part of a charter introduced by football's authorities for the 2023-24 campaign.
Managers and coaches will also have to adhere to new rules covering the technical area.
The new measures state players "must not confront, invade the personal space of, or make physical contact with the match officials".
They add that "two or more players surrounding a match official in a confrontational manner will result in a yellow card and be reported to the Football Association".
The new 'participant charter' has been launched by the Football Association, Premier League, English Football League, Women's Super League, Women's Championship, National League System (Steps 1-4) and referees' governing body PGMOL.
It was also developed in partnership with the League Managers Association and Professional Footballers' Association.
The new measures also address the issue of fan behaviour and, in particular, tragedy chanting, which involves singing about tragic events involving the opposition.เว็บบาคาร่า
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UFAZ875 — August 1, 2023
Manchester United defender Luke Shaw accepts the Treble-winning feats of Manchester City hurt everyone at Old Trafford - and they cannot afford to let it happen again.
United failed in their attempt to stop City emulating their historic feat in 1999 when they were beaten by their local rivals in the FA Cup final.
Pep Guardiola's side overcame Inter Milan in the Champions League final the following week, and the arrival of Jack Grealish, Phil Foden, Kyle Walker,
John Stones and Kalvin Phillips into the England camp in the aftermath of their success merely drilled home the enormity of what had happened.
"It hurt a lot. A lot," said Shaw.
"All of us as players felt that, especially for me, seeing them come to the England camp. It was really hard to take. We can't let that happen again.เว็บบาคาร่า
UFAZ875 — August 3, 2023
Boss Mauricio Pochettino hopes an injury suffered by striker Christopher Nkunku is not a "big issue" as Chelsea drew 1-1 with Borussia Dortmund to end their pre-season US tour undefeated.
Mason Burstow scored a 90th-minute equaliser for Chelsea after Marius Wolf gave Dortmund the lead in Chicago.
£52m signing Nkunku, 25, went off in the 22nd minute after appearing to injure his knee when he was tackled.
The pitch at Chicago's Soldier Field was in poor condition.
Areas were patchy and worn after the stadium, home to the NFL's Chicago Bears, was used for an Ed Sheeran concert attended by 73,000 people last weekend.
"The doctors are checking him," explained Pochettino, who felt the tackle which forced Nkunku off "maybe" should have resulted in a penalty.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
UFAZ875 — August 4, 2023
Aaron Ramsdale: Arsenal and England goalkeeper pledges to call out homophobia in football
Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale says he will no longer stay quiet when he encounters homophobic comments in dressing rooms and on social media.
The 25-year-old said he wants football to be "welcoming for everyone" so his brother, who is gay, can attend matches without fear of abuse.
Writing for The Players' Tribune, he added he "felt bad" for the Tottenham fan who assaulted him in January.
Ramsdale revealed his wife had suffered a miscarriage three days earlier.
The England international signed a new long-term contract with Arsenal in May, following a season in which he played all 38 Premier League games during runners-up Arsenal's title challenge.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
UFAZ875 — August 5, 2023
Josko Gvardiol: Manchester City sign Croatia centre-back from RB Leipzig
Manchester City have completed the signing of Croatia centre-back Josko Gvardiol on a five-year deal from RB Leipzig for 90m euros (£77m).
He is the second most expensive defender of all time after Harry Maguire, who joined Manchester United for £80m from Leicester City in 2019.
Gvardiol, 21, has impressed in his two seasons at Leipzig after joining from Dinamo Zagreb in July 2021.
"I have always dreamed of one day playing in England," he said.
"To be doing so now with Manchester City - after the season they have just had - is a real honour for me."บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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UFAZ875 — August 7, 2023
Jose Mourinho: Roma manager denies trying provoke club bosses with Instagram picture
Roma manager Jose Mourinho has denied trying to provoke the club's bosses with a picture on his Instagram account but admitted things are "not OK".
Mourinho, 60, and his staff can be seen embracing an invisible player after Roma failed to sign a striker to cover the injured Tammy Abraham.
"There was no provocation, that wasn't the intention," he told Italian newspaper Corriere dello Sport.
Abraham suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury last season.
Mourinho added: "Everything is not okay but... I get angry for an hour and then I'm back to being positive about things.บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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anakin — August 9, 2023
Man City transfer news: Pep Guardiola interested in West Ham's Lucas Paqueta
Manchester City are interested in West Ham midfielder Lucas Paqueta.
The Brazilian joined the Hammers from Lyon for £36.5m last summer and was instrumental in the club winning the Europa Conference League.
City have made an initial approach to the Hammers but are yet to make a bid.
It is possible they will test West Ham's resolve as Pep Guardiola looks to bolster his squad after last season's Treble success and the departures of Ilkay Gundogan and Riyad Mahrez.
West Ham do not want to sell and will be reluctant to lose another key figure in David Moyes' squad following Declan Rice's £105m move to Arsenal.
Their position is strengthened by the knowledge Paqueta still has four years left on the contract he signed last summer.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
anakin — August 9, 2023
West Ham transfer news: Hammers agree deals for Harry Maguire and James Ward-Prowse
West Ham United have agreed deals for Manchester United's Harry Maguire and Southampton's James Ward-Prowse worth about £60m in total.
Each deal is thought to be worth in the region of £30m.
Maguire, 30, struggled for first-team opportunities at Old Trafford last season and has been stripped of the captaincy this season.
He is understood to be keen on the move with personal terms yet to be agreed but not expected to be a problem.
Maguire joined United in August 2019 for a world record £80m for a defender.เค้าไพ่บาคาร่า
soccersociety — August 10, 2023
It’s really a great and useful piece of information. เว็บข่าวบอล ศิวรักษ์ เทศสูงเนิน
anakin — August 11, 2023
Women's World Cup 2023: 'Great day' as Spain reach first semi-final despite off-field issues
Off the pitch, few teams at this Women's World Cup have been as dysfunctional and wracked by controversy as Spain.
Yet on the field, few have produced such impressive performances and possess such remarkable talent.
Spain beat the Netherlands 2-1 after extra time in Wellington to reach their first Women's World Cup semi-final, with teenager Salma Paralluelo scoring an extra-time winner.
Manager Jorge Vilda's coaching abilities and relationships with his best players have been the subject of fierce criticism.
But having led his country to their best ever Women's World Cup showing, he was able to take a celebratory tone and make light of matters such as the early morning kick-off times for audiences back in Spain.เค้าไพ่บาคาร่า
7mlive — August 12, 2023
It is a excellent contents.dooballsod ดูบอลสด24
anakin — August 12, 2023
Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta said he had to pick striker Eddie Nketiah against Nottingham Forest because of his attitude in training this week.
Nketiah scored his first goal since January as Arsenal started the Premier League season with a 2-1 home win.
The 24-year-old Englishman missed out on a place in the starting XI for the Community Shield triumph over Manchester City last weekend.
"I'm delighted for him because he is a role model," Arteta told TNT Sports.
"Nketiah was very disappointed he did not start against Manchester City, but he came on in the game and had a huge impact, trained like a beast this week, telling me 'I deserve to play'.
"I had to play him because he gave me every reason with his reaction."บาคาร่าไม่มีขั้นต่ำ
anakin — August 14, 2023
Moises Caicedo: Why Chelsea and Liverpool both wanted Brighton midfielder
I am surprised at the size of Moises Caicedo's price tag but, after watching Chelsea's draw with Liverpool, it is clear why both teams were battling to sign him from Brighton.
There were plenty of positives for both teams to take away from an exciting game on Sunday, but you could see they are both badly in need of a holding midfielder.
Now it looks like Chelsea have their man. I can understand why they see Caicedo as being the perfect player for that job, even if a British record fee of £115m seems a lot.
Two sides to the holding role
Caicedo is quick and tenacious, and has got the legs of N'Golo Kante to get around the pitch, spot danger and put out fires. But, crucially, the 21-year-old Ecuador international is technically good too.
If you are going to play as a 'number five' for a top team, you need to be able to use the ball, not just cover off the defensive aspect.
Enzo Fernandez played there for Chelsea after signing in January and definitely ticks all those boxes,
but he has been speaking about having a more attacking role under new manager Mauricio Pochettino and, going on what we saw on Sunday, he will be getting into more advanced positions this season.บาคาร่าไม่มีขั้นต่ำ
punpun — August 14, 2023
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線上看 — August 15, 2023
anakin — August 15, 2023
Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga hopes his loan move to Real Madrid will be made permanent in the future.
The Spain international's season-long loan to Real was completed on Monday.
Kepa will cover for Real's regular number one Thibaut Courtois, who is set to miss most of the season with an anterior cruciate ligament injury.
"Will I stay after the loan? Hopefully. Today is the first day. We'll see. Hopefully with my performance I can make that happen," Kepa said.
The 28-year-old made 163 appearances for Chelsea having joined from Athletic Bilbao for £71m in August 2018 - the highest fee ever paid for a goalkeeper.
He was facing competition for a starting berth at Stamford Bridge from Robert Sanchez who the Blues signed from Brighton for £25m this summer.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
7m — August 16, 2023
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Baccarathub — August 18, 2023
I am thankful to you for sharing this plethora of useful information. I found this resource utmost beneficial for me. Thanks a lot for hard work.อาหารคือ
anakin — August 18, 2023
Erik ten Hag says he is happy Harry Maguire is staying at Manchester United - and that the defender must now fight for his position in the squad.
Maguire, who made eight Premier League starts last season, was set to join West Ham but a £30m move fell through.
The England defender, 30, wants to play regularly again, and Dutch manager Ten Hag says he should grab his chance when it arrives.
"[Maguire] knows what I expect from a centre half. He can do it," he said.
"He has the abilities to do it, so he has to show it. It's about character, to be convinced to play that role. He has all the abilities and it's up to him when the time is there."บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
UFAZ875 — August 19, 2023
Former Leeds United backroom staffer Carlos Corberan had to settle for a draw on his return to Elland Road with West Bromwich Albion.
Corberan's Baggies looked set to steal all three points with Brandon Thomas-Asante's controversial 52nd-minute opener.
Jayson Molumby's shot clearly deflected off Thomas-Asante's arm - and the goal stood.
Relive Leeds' home draw with West Bromwich Albion
But, despite the heroics of visiting keeper Alex Palmer, who made two fine saves from Dan James in both halves, Leeds kept their heads - and skipper Luke Ayling levelled.
He powered a 72nd-minute header into the top right corner from Wales international James' cross to earn the hosts a point.
And that was the very least the hosts deserved to secure a second successive home draw for Daniel Farke's relegated Leeds following their first-day 2-2 draw with Cardiff City.บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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UFAZ875 — August 23, 2023
The new recruits in this Rangers team couldn't have known the reality of a big European night at Ibrox before this. The joy, the fury, the incessant racket that sweeps about the place whether the home team is under pressure, as they were in the opening half,
or pushing hard for a winner, as they were during those late and deafening minutes.
They didn't know what it was like when they joined, but they know it now. This pulsating night against a slick and dangerous PSV Eindhoven didn't have the untrammelled mayhem of some of those Houdini jobs that Rangers pulled off on their road to the Europa League final, but it was terrific all the same.
Rangers fans will have been exhausted by it, their emotions surely switching madly as the game wore on. They'd have been anxious and then elated, then anxious, then elated again.
At 2-2, Rangers found it within themselves to mount a big finish. Second best for the entirety of the first half, they might not have had the crispness of PSV
but they had heart and stomach for the fight and, with a touch more accuracy, they'd have had a 3-2 lead heading to the Netherlands to boot.เว็บบาคาร่า
punpun — August 23, 2023
Magnificent goods from you
UFAZ875 — August 24, 2023
Manchester City are close to completing the £55.4m signing of winger Jeremy Doku - but what kind of player are they getting?
The 21-year-old, who has 16 caps for Belgium and came through the ranks at Anderlecht before joining Rennes in 2020, is moving to the Premier League after three injury-hit years in France.
He takes the place of Riyad Mahrez, who moved to Saudi club Al-Ahli for £30m.
Since the start of last season he has completed more dribbles per 90 minutes than anybody in Europe's top five leagues.
"With his speed, power and technical ability he is custom-made for the Premier League," says Belgian journalist Claudo Reulens.
"The fans will love him, because he's a very spectacular player. There is always something happening when he is on the ball."เค้าไพ่บาคาร่า
อาหารลูกแมว — August 24, 2023
Have a nice dayอาหารแมว
欧乐影院 — August 24, 2023
UFAZ875 — August 27, 2023
Sheffield United have completed the signing of striker Cameron Archer from Aston Villa on a four-year deal.
The Blades say they have paid a "considerable" fee for the 21-year-old, which is reported to be £18m.
Archer scored 11 goals in 20 games on loan at Middlesbrough last season before scoring twice in England's European Under-21 Championship success.
"Everyone is happy if they are playing football regularly," he said. "That's something I want to do now."
Archer progressed through Villa's academy and made his first-term debut in August 2019, before going on loan to National League side Solihull Moors in 2020-21.
Although he made his Premier League debut in September 2021, he has since had loan spells with Championship sides Preston and Middlesbrough, and leaves Villa with four goals from 14 appearances.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
UFAZ875 — August 28, 2023
England captain Harry Kane scored twice on his home Bundesliga debut for Bayern Munich as the champions continued their winning start to the league season.
Kane became the first English player to score in his first two Bundesliga games when he clipped a penalty down the middle just before half-time.
The ex-Tottenham forward wrapped up the 3-1 win after the break with a lovely finish with the outside of his foot.
Thomas Tuchel's side dominated possession throughout.
"Great game today," said Kane in a video on social media afterwards. "To score two goals in front of you fans was a special feeling.
"Lots of improvement still to come but to start the season with two wins is a really great start, so thanks for the support as always.เว็บบาคาร่า
cloudstours — August 29, 2023
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bnsport — August 29, 2023
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UFAZ875 — August 29, 2023
Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku is set to join Serie A side Roma on a season-long loan.
The deal includes an £8m loan fee and Roma will be covering the 30-year-old Belgium international's wages.
Inter Milan had hoped Lukaku, who is not part of Mauricio Pochettino's plans at Chelsea, would return to the club where he spent last season on loan.
But the forward was unhappy coach Simone Inzaghi did not start him in the Champions League final.
Juventus were also keen to sign Lukaku but were unable to make the changes required to their squad.
There are still some details to be finalised but the agreement for his return to Italy is essentially done.เว็บบาคาร่า
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UFAZ875 — August 30, 2023
Virgil van Dijk has been charged by the Football Association for acting in an "improper manner" after being sent off in Liverpool's win at Newcastle.
The Liverpool captain was shown a straight red card in the 29th minute at St James' Park on Sunday for fouling Newcastle forward Alexander Isak.
The defender appeared to argue with referee John Brooks while the incident was reviewed by VAR.
The FA says it is alleged Van Dijk used "abusive and/or insulting words".
"Virgil van Dijk has been charged with a breach of FA rule E3.1 following Liverpool's Premier League game against Newcastle United on Sunday, 27 August," said the FA in a statement.
"It's alleged that the defender acted in an improper manner and/or used abusive and/or insulting words towards a match official after being sent off in the 29th minute."บาคาร่าออนไลน์
Ägypten Ausflüge — August 31, 2023
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UFAZ875 — August 31, 2023
Crystal Palace have signed England goalkeeper Dean Henderson on a five-year deal from Manchester United.
Palace have paid an undisclosed fee for the 26-year-old, who was a substitute during United's win over Nottingham Forest on Saturday.
He was on loan at Forest last season but they signed Matt Turner from Arsenal earlier this month.
"There's something being built here and I really want to be a part of it," said Henderson.
Henderson is Palace's third senior signing of the summer after Colombia midfielder Jefferson Lerma and Brazilian forward Matheus Franca.
"This club has got great fans and has a lot of top players who are hungry to succeed," he added.
"I'm absolutely delighted and buzzing to be here. I can't wait to get started."บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
bnsport — September 1, 2023
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slamet boiler — September 1, 2023
Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku has joined Serie A side Roma on a season-long loan.
The deal includes an £8 million loan fee and Roma will cover the 30-year-old Belgium international's wages
We always remember the story from year to year
UFAZ875 — September 1, 2023
Barcelona have signed Atletico Madrid forward Joao Felix and Manchester City full-back Joao Cancelo on loan.
Both are season-long loans and neither agreement includes an option to buy.
Porgual international Cancelo, 29, spent last season on loan at Bayern Munich having fallen out of favour at the Etihad.
While compatriot Felix, 23, who joined Atletico for £113m in 2019, had an unsuccessful six-month loan spell at Chelsea last season.
Felix, who has also extended his Atletico contract until 2029, scored four goals in 20 games for Chelsea.
He has not played for Atletico since January and previously said playing for Barcelona was his "dream".เว็บบาคาร่าอันดับ 1
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UFAZ875 — September 6, 2023
Andre Onana's Cameroon return does not signify an end to "problems" between the goalkeeper and the national team coaching staff, former Indomitable Lions player Patrick Suffo has said.
Manchester United goalkeeper Onana confirmed on Monday he would play international football again.
Onana was suspended for "disciplinary reasons" during the 2022 World Cup by national football federation Fecafoot.
The governing body said Cameroon boss Rigobert Song had made the decision.
Cameroon 'needs' goalkeeper Andre Onana - Stephane Mbia
Suffo, whose time with Song in the national team included winning the 2002 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) and appearing at that year's World Cup, said Onana and Song's relationship is "still a bit cold".
"As far as being friends, I'm not very sure," he told BBC World Service's Sport Today. "I'm curious to see what's going to happen once they start working together again.betflik45
UFAZ875 — September 7, 2023
Saudi Arabia's Al-Ittihad are ready to lodge a £200m bid for Liverpool's Egypt star Mohamed Salah, 31, but fear time is running out before Thursday's transfer deadline. (Telegraph - subscription required)
Salah will not leave Liverpool this year, however, despite being offered a contract worth between $500m and $600m [£400m-£480m] over three years. (Footmercato - in French)
Former England and Chelsea defender John Terry, 42, is on the verge of joining Saudi side Al-Shabab FC to make his managerial breakthrough. (Sun)
Tottenham goalkeeper Hugo Lloris, 36, faces a playing exile until January with the France international having shown no inclination to go despite Spurs receiving offers for the player. (Guardian)
Tottenham and England defender Eric Dier has held talks with chairman Daniel Levy after being frozen out by boss Ange Postecoglou.
The 29-year-old has been linked with a move to Saudi Arabia. (Telegraph - subscription required)เว็บบาคาร่า
UFAZ875 — September 8, 2023
Slovenia 4-2 Northern Ireland: Michael O'Neill focused on future as NI Euro dreams dashed
Michael O'Neill was looking for the moment that would ignite Northern Ireland's campaign, much like the famous win in Budapest nine years ago that was the launchpad for the Euro success to come.
He didn't quite get that, but we did see another side to this Northern Ireland team in what was a chaotic and entertaining display, but ultimately a disappointing result.
Usually so steady at the back, Northern Ireland were all at sea and shipped four goals to Slovenia with the defence chopping and changing as the injury woes piled up.
But fans did see a more attacking display from a team which so often struggles for goals. Here they created chance after chance, with Conor McMenamin and Shea Charles at the heart of everything positive.
It was refreshing to see, and there were some standout performances, but Northern Ireland's slim hopes of reaching Euro 2024 are now virtually extinguished.บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
bnsport — September 8, 2023
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UFAZ875 — September 12, 2023
Diogo Jota scored twice with Bruno Fernandes also on target as Portugal thrashed Luxembourg to maintain their 100% Euro 2024 qualification record.
Without the suspended Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal were 4-0 ahead at half-time with two goals apiece from Goncalo Inacio and Goncalo Ramos.
Jota made it 5-0, Ricardo Horta got a sixth and Jota added a seventh.
Fernandes, who also made three goals, scored the eighth and former Chelsea player Joao Felix added a late ninth.
Manchester United midfielder Fernandes created the first goal with a cross from the right wing with the outside of his boot and also was involved in the build-up to Portugal's fourth and fifth goals.
Manchester City's Bernardo Silva set up their second goal and Liverpool forward Jota, who also hit the crossbar in the first half, played the pass for Horta to score.lava444
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Lava90 — September 18, 2023
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bnsport — September 18, 2023
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UFAZ875 — September 20, 2023
Pep Guardiola: Manchester City boss says club 'in trouble' with mounting injury list
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says his side are "in trouble" with a mounting injury list that threatens to disrupt the club's perfect start to the season.
City only had six outfield players on their bench for the 3-1 Champions League victory over Red Star Belgrade.
And their seventh successive triumph in all competitions came at a cost as midfielder Bernardo Silva became the latest player to pick up an injury which, according to Guardiola, will keep him out for "the next few weeks".
The Portuguese international joins Kevin de Bruyne, Jack Grealish, Mateo Kovacic and John Stones on the sidelines.เว็บบาคาร่า
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aoymao — September 25, 2023
Tottenham Hotspur's guarded optimism in the heady early days of the Ange Postecoglou era was always going to be largely measured by whether it survived a visit to Arsenal intact.
Spurs have only won twice away to Arsenal in the Premier League's three decades, so this is a fixture that is approached with trepidation, even after the expert manner in which the charismatic Postecoglou has navigated the club through the departure of their great goalscoring talisman Harry Kane.
If not quite the acid test of their aspirations under the Australian, everyone connected with Spurs knew this visit into enemy territory would provide the sternest examination so far.
And while they have still not won here in the league since a 3-2 win almost 13 years ago, the reaction of players, manager and supporters at the end of a gripping 2-2 draw confirmed the early impression that,
after the entertainment-free zones provided by the loveless reigns of Nuno Espirito Santo, Jose Mourinho and Antonio Conte, Spurs might just be on to something with Postecoglou.
Every analysis of Spurs must be viewed through the prism that this season is still in its infancy, but Spurs showed here that they have taken big strides already under Postecoglou and they were all on show at Emirates Stadium.บาคาร่า
aoymao — September 26, 2023
Football pundit Jermaine Jenas has apologised for criticising referee Rob Jones, saying he "got it wrong".
Jenas used an abusive term on X, formerly Twitter, and added "they're [referees] all ruining our game" after Jones awarded Arsenal a penalty in Sunday's north London derby draw.
The former England midfielder had been criticised by refereeing bodies.
"My emotions got the better of me and I apologise to The FA and to all match officials," Jenas posted on X.
Ex-Tottenham player Jenas was part of the Football Association's 'Love Football, Protect the Game' campaign prior to the start of the 2023-24 season.
Jenas also hosted a Channel 4 documentary in 2021, tracking the rise in online abuse of black players and he spoke with an online troll.
In a post on Monday afternoon, Jenas, who co-hosts The One Show, added: "I hold my hands up, I got it wrong yesterday. I should know, more than most, the responsibility we have as fans, players and pundits and the impact our words online can have as it's an area I've been vocal in."บาคาร่า
กติกาฟุตบอล17ข้อ — September 27, 2023
aoymao — September 28, 2023
Head coach Rudi Garcia says Victor Osimhen is "invested 100%" in Napoli after the striker scored in the first game since he was mocked by the club on social media.
Osimhen scored his side's second goal in a comfortable win against Udinese, but made no attempt to celebrate before he was mobbed by his team-mates.
Napoli shared a video, since deleted, on their TikTok account showing Osimhen missing a penalty, with a high-pitched voice saying "gimme penalty please" dubbed over the top.
Osimhen's agent has threatened to take legal action against Napoli.
"I can assure you that Victor loves this jersey," Garcia said. "He is invested 100% in our project.
"I have a very good relationship with Victor. I am happy for him because he scored tonight. After the match in Bologna, we were all frustrated, angry, Victor in particular, because he missed the penalty.
"On the sporting aspect and on other levels, especially on TikTok, there have been a lot of things to manage in recent days."บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
narumi — September 28, 2023
Wow It is a great contents that I ever seen.ฟุตบอลคอนเทนต์
aoymao — September 29, 2023
He started his professional career at Anderlecht, breaking through in 2003 aged just 17 and winning the top flight's annual Belgian Golden Shoe award.
His performances began to attract some of the biggest clubs in Europe, but he ended up joining Bundesliga side Hamburg for a then club-record fee of about £7m in 2006.
Kompany explained: "I was the biggest signing in the history of the club, but when I got there I got injured straight away, tore my Achilles tendon and was out for nine months.
"My mother passed away in that time and I was out of the house for the first time. My sister got cancer and the club was fighting against relegation having come from the Champions League.
"I spent Christmas at the club, working hard on my own because what was the point in going home? But you get out of it eventually.
"That is my story and those are the moments where I know what I did, and my journey was much more complicated than the trophies you see me lifting at the end."เว็บบาคาร่า
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SRW — September 29, 2023
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aoymao — October 2, 2023
Liverpool are to appeal against the red card given to Curtis Jones during their controversial 2-1 defeat at Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.
Jones was sent off for fouling Yves Bissouma on 26 minutes after a video assistant referee (VAR) intervention.
Referee Simon Hooper initially gave Jones a yellow card for the challenge, but changed his decision after going to the pitchside monitor.
Midfielder Jones, 22, faces a three-game ban if the card is not overturned.
Liverpool ask PGMOL for VAR audio from disallowed Diaz goal
If the dismissal is upheld, he would miss Liverpool's Premier League games against Brighton, Everton and Nottingham Forest.
On Sunday, the Reds issued a statement after VAR failed to overturn an incorrect decision to disallow a Luis Diaz goal for offside, with the match at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium goalless.
The club said "sporting integrity has been undermined" after the governing body for referees PGMOL said the decision to rule out the goal was "a significant human error".บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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ana — October 5, 2023
Barcelona made it two wins from two in this season's Champions League as Ferran Torres' goal secured victory at Porto.
The ex-Manchester City forward replaced the injured Robert Lewandowski midway through the first half.
Torres then grabbed what would be the winner just before the break, driving in from Ilkay Gundogan's pass.
Porto battled for an equaliser in the second half and Barcelona had Gavi sent off in the 93rd minute, but held on.
Goalkeeper Marc-André ter Stegen had kept the hosts at bay, keeping out Wendell's strike before parrying Galeno's curled effort.
Barcelona teenager Lamine Yamal continued his impressive breakout season by making more history.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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ana — October 9, 2023
Bukayo Saka: Arsenal forward not available for England fixtures, says boss Mikel Arteta
Arsenal forward Bukayo Saka will not join up with the England squad for their matches in the next fortnight, says Gunners manager Mikel Arteta.
Saka missed his side's 1-0 Premier League win over champions Manchester City on Sunday with a hamstring injury.
England face Australia on October 13, before taking on Italy in a European Championship qualifier four days later.
"No, he will not make it," said Arteta after Sunday's game. "He has not trained for a single session."
While he would not disclose the likely length of Saka's spell on the sidelines, Arteta added: "He is not available to play football at the moment."เว็บบาคาร่า
teonedo — October 11, 2023
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ana — October 12, 2023
Uefa president Aleksander Ceferin has expressed "profound sorrow" about "the tragic acts of violence" in Israel.
Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a series of attacks on the country, killing hundreds and taking up to 150 people hostage.
Ceferin made his remarks on behalf of the European football community in a letter sent to the chairman of the Israel Football Association.
Israel's Euro 2024 qualifier against Kosovo on Sunday has been postponed.
Israeli authorities will not allow the national team to travel abroad, and a new date for the fixture will be announced in due course.
In response to the attacks by Hamas, Israel has launched air strikes on Gaza and prevented the passage of food, water, fuel and medicine into the territory.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
ana — October 13, 2023
Every Scottish soul in the place knew what was coming.
The two giant screens inside Seville's Estadio de La Cartuja, a pair of roja harbingers of doom, flashed up 'VAR check in progress'.
Beneath one of them, a navy blue sea of bobbing arms and swinging legs shuddered to a bone-trembling halt as they gazed upwards. First to the screen - then to the heavens.
Seconds earlier, Scott McTominay's sensational whipped free-kick looked to have the Scots 1-0 up with half an hour to play in Spain. Half an hour from the European Championships. Half an hour from history.
Yet referee Serdar Gozubuyuk and his VAR team had other ideas. As soon as the Dutch official trotted to the pitch-side monitor, Scotland's luck, which had been wielded with some sorcery all evening, eventually deserted them.
Confusion reigned in the immediate melee and, even in the aftermath, there appeared to be little clarity as to why the goal,
which was then followed by two at the other end to delay the visitors' qualification, was ruled out.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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aoymao — October 20, 2023
Liverpool left-back Andrew Robertson is to have an operation on the shoulder he injured while playing for Scotland, says Reds manager Jurgen Klopp.
He was hurt in a challenge with Spain keeper Unai Simon during 12 October's Euro 2024 qualifying defeat and left the pitch cradling his arm in a shirt.
"The decision we go towards is surgery," said Klopp, whose side face Everton on Saturday (12:30 BST).
"That means he's out for a while. I don't know exactly how long."
Klopp added: "There was a little chance that we could try without but, after speaking to pretty much all experts, it looks like surgery will be the best thing, especially in the long term."
"In my experience you can train pretty quickly again but not football-specific because you have to be careful of challenges and all these kind of things so he will be out for a while."บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
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german — October 23, 2023
Aston Villa continued their fine form under manager Unai Emery by holding off West Ham to move back to the brink of the Premier League's top four.
Tuesday marks the anniversary of Emery's appointment as Villa boss and the Spaniard has transformed the team since taking over from Steven Gerrard.
An entertaining first half, typical of the free-flowing football Emery has encouraged at Villa Park, saw Douglas Luiz open the scoring and the Brazil midfielder also converted a penalty just after half-time.
A deflected shot by Jarrod Bowen led to a nervy spell for the hosts, but England striker Ollie Watkins then fired in his eighth goal of the season for Villa.
Substitute Leon Bailey struck late on to wrap up an 11th straight league victory at home, Villa's best run since winning 13 in a row when they were reigning European champions in 1983.
Before Emery's first game in charge, Villa were 16th in the Premier League - one point off the relegation zone. But he steered them to European qualification last season and now they are back within a point of the Champions League places.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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german — October 25, 2023
Andre Onana saved a penalty in added time to give Manchester United a priceless Champions League victory against Copenhagen.
On an emotional night that began with a lone piper walking out playing the United anthem 'We'll Never Die' as Old Trafford paid its respects to Sir Bobby Charlton, United fans thought Harry Maguire's first goal since February 2022 had given them the win they craved.
But with the allotted four minutes of added time played, Scott McTominay conceded a penalty by swinging a high boot dangerously near Mohamed Elyounoussi's face.
But Onana, who has come in for criticism since his £47m summer move from Inter Milan, turned Jordan Larsson's effort wide with what turned out to be the very last action of the game.
The victory breathed new life into a Champions League campaign that had started with successive defeats for Erik ten Hag's side.
It was another night when United's overall performance would not stand up to much scrutiny but, as on Saturday, the manner of the victory was secondary to the eventual outcome given the enormous legacy of the man they were trying to honour.เว็บบาคาร่า
german — October 27, 2023
Brighton claimed a historic first win in European football against Ajax to keep alive their hopes of reaching the Europa League knockout stages.
The Seagulls are enjoying their first foray into this level of football and they lost their opening Group B game at home to AEK Athens before drawing at Marseille.
But against European veterans Ajax they enjoyed a famous night at Amex Stadium as goals from Joao Pedro and Ansu Fati secured victory.
"We have got the first victory in Europe for Brighton," manager Roberto de Zerbi told TNT Sports.
"It is a great day for our fans, our club, our owner and we are very proud to give them this day."
Pedro got his fourth goal in the Europa League just before half time, driving in a loose ball after Kaoru Mitoma's fine strike was parried by Ajax goalkeeper Diant Ramaj.UFATH168
german — October 30, 2023
Manchester United 0-3 Manchester City: One-sided derby demonstrates gulf between clubs
The sight of Manchester United's players offering futile thanks to thousands of empty red seats was an image that defined the painful embarrassment they suffered at the hands of Manchester City.
If last season offered genuine hope United were making forward strides under the management of Erik ten Hag, with the Carabao Cup bringing their first trophy since 2017
along with a return to the Champions League, then this campaign is starting to resemble a dismal and rapid retreat.
United and their fans never enjoy defeat by Manchester City, but when it is inflicted with the ease of their rivals' 3-0 win at Old Trafford, it increases the hurt while bringing the gulf between these two rivals into even sharper relief.
When Phil Foden tapped in City's third ten minutes from time, Erling Haaland the provider after scoring the first two goals, the rush for the exits demonstrated that United's fans had seen enough.
Those who remained at least had the consolation of probably beating the worst of the traffic.บาคาร่าออนไลน์
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german — November 1, 2023
Saudi 2034 World Cup: Why this decision should not surprise anyone
The prospect of a World Cup in Saudi Arabia has long been anticipated, with the country's unprecedented investment in sport over recent years always seemingly intended to lead to this moment.
No-one who has been paying attention to the way that the country has turned the world of golf upside down through the rebel LIV Series, or started to dominate the hosting of top boxing, or sent shockwaves through football's international transfer market, can be that surprised.
And yet, despite the staggering level of Saudi ambition in sport, the idea of a World Cup in the kingdom will still shock many.
Now that the country is all but guaranteed to be staging the tournament in 11 years' time, it has the potential to be even more controversial than Qatar's hosting last year; with concerns ranging from human rights issues, and Fifa's handling of the bidding process,
to the calendar disruption and impact on player welfare due to what is likely to be another winter World Cup because of extreme summer temperatures.บาคาร่าสายฟ้า
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ما برآنیم تا بار دیگر همانند روزگارانی نه چندان دور نقوش درهم تنیده کاشی های ایرانی را آذین بخش خشت بنای خانه هایمان کنیم تا درهرسحرگاهان با تابش خورشید بر رنگارنگ شاخ و برگهای متصل اسلیمی یادآور فرهنگ، هنر، اصالت و تداوم تاریخ کهن این سرزمین برای فرزندانمان باشد، ما را در این را یاور باشید.
کاشی مسجد — December 28, 2023
صنایع کاشی سنتی خشت آذین فام یکی از بزرگترین مراکز تولید کاشی سنتی و کاشی مسجد در خاورمیانه میباشد که با دارا بودن پرسنلی مجرب ، کارگاهها و امکانات تولیدی کافی و با الهام از نقوش و هنر کاشی سازی ایران و جهان و با خلق و تولید کاشی های زیبا و مقاوم در این زمینه توانسته است بخش بزرگی از بازار داخلی و خارجی را در اختیار بگیرد و نظر اکثر مشتریان را به خود جلب کند، در صفحه اول وب سایت این شرکت متن زیبایی به شرح زیر آمده که نشان از اراده و عشق و علاقه آنان در جهت احیا هنر کاشی سنتی ایرانی دارد:
ما برآنیم تا بار دیگر همانند روزگارانی نه چندان دور نقوش درهم تنیده کاشی های ایرانی را آذین بخش خشت بنای خانه هایمان کنیم تا درهرسحرگاهان با تابش خورشید بر رنگارنگ شاخ و برگهای متصل اسلیمی یادآور فرهنگ، هنر، اصالت و تداوم تاریخ کهن این سرزمین برای فرزندانمان باشد، ما را در این را یاور باشید.
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Historical Timeline: Create a timeline highlighting the major milestones in Evony's advertising history, starting from its initial launch to the present day. Include key ad campaigns, changes in advertising strategies, and notable achievements or controversies.
Comparative Analysis: Compare and contrast early Evony ads with more recent ones to identify changes in messaging, visual style, target audience, and overall tone. Look for patterns or trends that indicate how Evony's advertising has evolved over time.
Audience Reception: Analyze audience reactions to Evony ads by reviewing online discussions, reviews, and social media posts. Pay attention to how perceptions of the ads have changed over time and how Evony has responded to feedback.
Industry Trends: Examine broader trends in video game advertising and marketing to contextualize Evony's approach. Consider how Evony's ads compare to those of other games in the same genre or similar target demographic.
Interviews and Insights: Seek out interviews with Evony's marketing team or ad creators to gain insights into the decision-making process behind their campaigns. Look for explanations of why certain approaches were chosen and how they have evolved over time.
Visual Analysis: Conduct a visual analysis of Evony ads, focusing on changes in imagery, design elements, and branding. Look for recurring motifs or themes that have been used consistently or evolved over time.
Cultural Context: Consider the broader cultural and societal context in which Evony's ads have been released. Look for ways in which the ads reflect or respond to cultural trends, values, or controversies.
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