Julie C. sent us this clip from a 1987 interview between Barbara Walters and Sean Connery:
In case you think that this is out-of-date, check out the comments. Here is the first page of comments, in their entirety:
what a ho, sean should’ve given her a demonstration
Big up Sean, he’s from a time when men were still men. Speak the truth.
you’ve just been schlapped by sean connery woman!
maby a slap is to far but i believe you need to stand your ground and not let your women have too much power..
Fuck that… no time for half measures. Slap the bitch.
He’s right of course. ‘ a woman a dog and a walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be’ :)
i love connery but i’d beat the shit outta him if he hit me.
Thanks Julie!
Comments 10
anomie — May 2, 2008
Wow. It's not the slapping the woman that gets me, it's the meaning behind it.
His idea of when it's "okay" is when he's tried every other way of controlling her and it doesn't work
Navidson — May 2, 2008
Not "every other way" just when he tries to get the last word in, and she won't let him!
Seriously, the insecurities of that man must be huge if he feels like he has to enforce his opinions without objection like that on women.
Village Idiot — May 2, 2008
That was ridiculously old-school (the ancient, dilapidated school that needs to be torn down). When ya got nothing; no counter-argument, no logic, no reason, no ability to speak your mind (or more likely no mind to speak of), then it's time to attack!
His attitude sounds a lot like US and UK foreign policy; do what we asked you nicely (at first) to do, or we'll smack you. This fear-based alpha-thug paradigm has done more damage to human potential through the millennia than anything, with the possible exception of a giant asteroid impact (though humans can even achieve that level of destruction now too thanks to our nuclear arsenals). It's a mindset that may cause our extinction, and current trends do not offer much encouragement.
BTW: The comments section of YouTube should be ignored as it's where baby trolls are spawned and angst-ridden teeny-bopping nihilists try to shock and incite from the safety of mom and dad's basement. They often write what they write because it's the most shocking thing they can think of and otherwise haven't thought about the issue at all. There's still hope that they might grow up and pull their craniums out of their rectums, though it's too late for Mr. Connery. Thoughtful people don't waste much time commenting on YouTube videos, I've noticed.
Violence Against Women on Prime Time Up Since 2004 » Sociological Images — November 8, 2009
[...] of violence against women: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, [...]
cassie — January 18, 2010
If women can hit men than we're intitled for one good slap across the face and then they can keep on with their nonsense.
James — October 7, 2012
jesus ladies, its not about control.
men watch our words and behaviors with each other because we know we cant take things too far because its perfectly acceptable to hit another man if it is merited.
but sometimes some women feel like being female protects them from the consequences of their actions and so they commence to initiate a verbal shtstorm in anger. in situations like this a good slap sets her back into reality.
some women even initiate physical violence on men thinking that as women they are shielded from retaliation. you dont feel a slap is merited in this situation?
as a woman if another woman runs up on you and starts shoving you and screaming obscenities eventually there will be some slapping and hair pulling on your part.
nobody should have to put up with that sort of behavior, especially a man who has attempted to deal with this woman in a civilized manner. we are all entitled to setting boundaries in our own lives of what behavior we will put up with. being "the weaker of the equal genders" doesnt negate peoples personal boundaries. it doesnt give you a golden ticket to behave in any manner you please without consequences.
Todd Weston — January 4, 2020
Sean Connery: sexiest man award!
Todd Weston — January 4, 2020
Julie - you and what army would beat up Sean Connery?