blogging life

Yep, you heard it hear, and I’m not sure what this alligator has to do with it but it seemed a fitting image. This Monday will officially see the (re)launch of Girl w/ Pen as a group blog. We’ll post the new url here on Monday, and eventually (sniff sniff) this trusty blogspot site will shut down. So take a final look these next few days, and then it’s see ya at WordPress! But don’t worry. The content will be the same.

Only better.

I’m back from the holiday and, even though the world is melting, I am SO EXCITED SO EXCITED because we are just a few DAYS away from launching GWP in group form! Can’t wait to share it with you, and I’m SO not good at secrets, but I’m sworn to keeping the new url to myself until we’re ready. So all I’ll say is, here’s to a new year, and a new Girl w/ Pen!!!!!

Thanks to all of you who responded to this month’s GWP poll. You have spoken, and we listened. We’re keeping the “feminist” in our tagline, rather than changing it to “gender.” And, thanks again to a reader’s suggestion, we are shortening it a bit. The new tagline will read:

“Bridging Feminist Research and Popular Reality”

Group launch is just around the corner…for reals!

Ok you GWP readers who want to learn more about how to blog, this one’s for you. Here’s the descript:

Girl w/ Keyboard: Making Waves through the Feminist Blogosphere
(Strategic Blogging for Advocates, Experts, and Organizations)

In this 5-week bloginar offered through the Women’s Media Center, author and blogger Deborah Siegel will lead participants through the basics of blogging—both logistical and philosophical. Participants will leave with an understanding of how blogging is changing the media landscape—especially for women!—and the tools needed to start a blog or improve one that’s already off the ground. Topics include: State of the Blogosphere, Tour of the Femosphere, Finding Your Niche, Creating Your Blog, Rules of the Road, Bells and Whistles, and more.

About the Instructor
[shameless self-promotion alert] Transforming her own blog, Girl with Pen, into required reading for the up-to-date feminist, Deborah has successfully created a presence in the world of Web 2.0. Deborah now keeps a daily web community in dialogue on the latest debates surrounding intergenerational feminism and research on women and girls across academic and popular realms. [shameless self-promotion alert ends] In this online workshop, Deborah, a graduate of the first class of the WMC’s Progressive Women’s Voices program, will take you on a guided tour through the blogosphere and teach you how to get your voice and ideas out there, too.

5 Tuesdays starting October 14, 7-8:15pm ET, via conference call / online

Register early and receive a discount!

For more info, please contact And please spread the word!

So my dear colleague Kristen Loveland, the mastermind behind, my new customized WordPress site, is currently engineering the look of the new Girl w/ Pen group blog launching later this month. I can’t say enough good things about this gal, who is joining me as co-Girl w/ Penner-in-Chief as we relaunch in group form. Her work speaks for itself.

And lucky for others, she is branching out with her customization services, and offering a 10% discount to anyone who comes to her through GWP! Ladies and gents in need of a website, I give you: Kristen. Here’s a description of how it works:

Need a website—fast—but don’t have vast resources to invest? Kristen Loveland, a WordPress customization consultant and web site builder, offers a unique solution. Skilled at using WordPress’ free and open-source platform to build personalized websites for authors, thinkers, feminists, and really, anyone else, Kristen is a writer/feminist blogger herself who understands how to create that unique internet presence in order to mainstream your blog, advertise your workshops, or highlight your latest publications. Because Kristen uses WordPress as a platform, her websites are cost-effective and easy-to-use. Once built—in only four to six weeks after consultation—Kristen will teach you how to make most updates to the website yourself.

Mention GWP and receive a 10% discount! For more information, contact Kristen at

Monday greetings!

Ok, so it’s not Nov 4th yet and this current poll is of far less magnitude, but the votes over here at this month’s GWP poll (–>) seem to be favoring keeping the current tagline vs. changing it. Interesting. 5 more days remaining to throw your 2 cents into the pool.

We’re also playing with a title for the group version, which is launching real soon. Girls w/ Pen? Girls w/ Pens? Something else? We’re open to suggestions! If anyone’s got one, please share in comments. Thank you!!

Last week I gave a blogging workshop at the University of South Carolina Upstate, where I also did a talk. And I’m thrilled to share that the feminist group on campus has now launched their blog! I love their description:


Yesssss! And a hearty welcome to you from all of us here at GWP.

Keep an eye out for these upstarts. They are utterly setting the world on fire down there.

Kudos to Faculty Advisor Dr. Lisa Johnson, President Andrea Miller, Vice President Lindsay Harris, and Secretary Candace Lamb, pictured left. And for those of you who know Lisa (editor of the stellar anthology Jane Sexes It Up), check out her new hair. You can’t tell from the picture, but she’s got a blue streak running through it. Made me want to come back and do something funkier with my hair!

It’s over there –>

Yep, you found it. Right there.

I’ve presented at the Women, Action, and Media (WAM!) Conference twice now and highly recommend it for its colleagiality and bloggy networking opportunities. The organizers are currently collecting proposals for their 2009 conference, which takes place on March 27-29 this year at MIT. CFP embedded below (you can click on the image to make it larger). Have at it, GWPers.

Read this document on Scribd: WAM!2009CFP

As a very fun distraction (though also out of necessity), I am redoing my personal website. The new one will launch soon, but just thought I’d share a snapshot of the new header, because I’m stoked. Thank you M! Thank you Kristen!

I’m also getting VERY excited about the unveiling of the new format for the group blog. Yes, it’s confirmed–GWP is going group this fall for reals, with contributions from some amazing women crossing academic and nonacademic (er, postacademic) worlds. More on all that soon.

Ok ok, now back to work….