Claire Mysko, who I know from her great work at Girls Inc, is about to release her first book, which is quite adorably called You’re Amazing: A No-Pressure Guide to Being Your Best Self. A bit of pre-publication buzz:

“A great tool to help tween girls prepare for and overcome school drama, friend drama, and even a bit of body drama!” –Nancy Redd, New York Times bestselling author of Body Drama

“It is both a revelation and a revolution!” –Courtney Macavinta, founder of and co-author of Respect: A Girl’s Guide to Dealing When Your Line is Crossed

A bit of background: Throughout her teens Claire starved herself and binged and purged while devouring the picture-perfect fantasies in the pages of magazines. She got help and went on to be the director of the American Anorexia Bulimia Association. Along with model Magali Amadei, who became the first top model to tell her story on behalf of an eating disorders organization, Claire founded an educational program called Inside Beauty. For the last decade, the two have worked together to give girls and women a beauty reality check. And Claire has had quite an impact at Girls Inc of course as well.

And now, Claire’s got her own book. Claire Mysko, YOU’RE amazing. More about her oeuvre here.