This just in, courtesy of the Women’s Media Center: Shaky Economic Times are Shakier for Women by Heidi Hartmann, director of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

A summary:

As politicians’ focus turns from the Primaries to the General Election, the economy has become the biggest issue for voters. Based on an Institute for Women’s Policy Research survey about Americans’ economic insecurities, there are differences between men and women, as Heidi Hartmann reports in the latest WMC Exclusive. Hartmann points out that women are especially concerned about Social Security, whatever their income level or minority status, and highlights that three primary facts drive women’s economic concerns. First, women have the children and generally rear them to adulthood. Second, women earn less than men. Third, women live longer than men. Hartmann concludes by saying that “women rely on Social Security. This election season, with economic issues becoming paramount, women would do well to find out which candidate-whether running for the White House or the Senate or House of Representatives-is most likely to sustain and strengthen the system that is so important to them.”

Read the article.