Two of my favorite 23-year-old bloggers, artist/photographer Emma Bernstein and writer Nona Willis-Aronowitz, have made some major changes to their blog of late, and I love what they’ve done with the place. Check it all out, over at GIRLdrive. Here’s what I like about this blog:

It’s a platform for their forthcoming book from Seal.

Their blog’s tagline, “roadtripping america, mapping out feminism,” is a great example of a tagline that nails it.

Their “Mid-Week Memo” feature covers timely topics and interesting projects they’re involved in around issues like women and the arts, mentoring teenage girls, intergenerational conversations, and other juicy tidbits from the feminist frontier.

The press their project has generated.

And, of course, the fact that they profiled my dear friend in Wyoming, Shelby.

Do visit them over at GIRLdrive and see for yourself.