Ok ok, confession contagious. While I PROMISE that this site will not become Girl with Pen: Bridging Feminism and Fertility, I’ve had an interesting week and without getting into the subtext (which you will no doubt figure out) I must throw this question out there to all you gals out there who I know have gone down the fertility road: Why do they refer to it as being treated for “infertility” when really it’s just expediting one’s fertility? I mean, doesn’t “in-” means “un”? Words hold psychological and ontological power here, people, and methinks the medical establishment might consider redefining its terms. But then, I would think that, being an English major and all. Rant over. Back to being UNconfessional now.
…But I’m curious. What do others think? Rhetorical question perhaps, but is this why folks turn to midwives? Do they use different language over there?