So a bit of confession this morning: I’d been having a bear of a time with my latest book proposal last week. I spent part of the week avoiding it and doing other things. Then I went to the beach for the weekend with my computer (and with Marco) and tried again. And then my writers’ group met last night and reaffirmed my faith.

So here’s a little shout out to my writers’ group, which is named Matilda, after the cat at the Algonquin Hotel, which is where we had our first meeting. And a shout out, too, to the Invisible Institute, my other writers group, which has been meeting now for 4 years. Yes, I am in two of these groups. Because writing groups keep me going, and this girl just can’t get enough.

And while I’m at it, a shout out to all the writers groups and communities out there that keep us writers going. Writing is SO much better when not tried alone.