A shout out to Kathy LeMay, the genius behind Raising Change, for forwarding info about a great blogging opportunity for social change bloggers (or folks who want to be). Here’s the deal:

Apply to be a Blogger for Change.org!

Want to blog on an issue you are passionate about for an audience of hundreds of thousands of activists and nonprofit leaders?

Want to create the premier online space for your issue and become a leading voice for social action?

Change.org is launching a social action blog network this summer and is currently hiring a team of part-time bloggers/editors to help create a movement for change around the major causes of our time.

Each blogger will lead an online community focusing on a different social, political, or environmental issue, maintain a daily blog covering news and offering commentary, convene leading nonprofits and activists working on the issue, and help people translate their interests and passions into concrete action.

For more info, click here.

The image to the left comes courtesy of Catherine Morgan, who published a great list of 375 political women bloggers back in March. For more on that, check out Catherine’s The Political Voices of Women Blog.