Tonight I’ll be teaming up with my lovely (and very pregnant!) coeditor from Only Child, Daphne Uviller, for a workshop at Mediaistro on “Breaking into Anthology Writing.” There are still a few slots left, so if interested, please join us!

WHEN Monday, April 7, 6:30-9:30 pm
WHERE, 494 Broadway (Spring & Broome), New York, NY 10012
DIRECTIONS subway directions, map
$65 ($50 for )

Here’s the description:

Anthologies are among the most powerful and poignant records of the times in which we live. As a writer, anthologies are also a superb way to break into the business, learn the ropes , and get your name on the book. Publishers are more likely to take a chance on your proposal because you’ve got the weight of other established writers behind you. But with so many currently on the shelves, the market for selling anthologies has become highly competitive. You may have a great, funny, important, and original idea for a collection of essays that has an obvious audience, but what do you need to do to make your anthology stand out?

In this seminar, you will learn how to:

  • Write a proposal
  • Find contributors
  • Manage and edit submissions
  • Work with purchasing editors
  • Make the best use of your in-house publicist
  • Self-publicize

Participants will leave with a timeline in hand detailing the process by which they could reasonably expect to complete a salable anthology.