This is not a pic from a Dr. Seuss book but rather a shot of MIT’s Ghery-designed Strata Center, where this weekend’s Women, Action Media conference took place. In addition to my posts on the Hillary panel (here and here), I wanted to share additional highlights, for those who weren’t able to attend. Some summaries, as filtered by other bloggers who were there:

Hugo Schwyzer on Helen Thomas’ keynote from Friday night and on a handful of the Saturday panels–“Breaking the Frame: Revitalizing and Redefining Reproductive Rights Media Coverage,” “Beating the Old Boys’ Club,” and “Sex Workers and Media Representation.”

Jessica Valenti at feministing on the session called “Battling Backlash: Strategies for Fighting Back, Rising Above and Making Progress”

Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon on the “Breaking the Frame” session. (I poached the photo of the Strata Center from Amanda, btw.)

I know there’s a site that live-blogged the whole darn thing and if I find it, I’ll let you know. If anyone finds it first, please post the url in comments. And if you were there and blogged about it, send us your links in comments as well!