Those lines I posted from Rebecca Solnit the other day (from her book A Field Guide to Getting Lost) generated additional wisdom from writer friends who have been there too, in the form of emails that lifted my spirits and made me re-commit to keep on going with the proposal writing process, even though I was feeling a bit at sea.

One of my favorite responses came from a dear friend (and a gorgeous memoirist), Mindy Lewis, who teaches nonfiction writing at The Writers Voice and knows a thing or two about process. Mindy and I shared tea and sympathy (and Zabar’srugelah) yesterday, and then she emailed me this, about cultivating the art of being at home in the unknown:

“That’s the spirit! So elusive, hard to get there and stay there, but always the right place to be.”


(Look for Mindy’s next oeuvre, an anthology, in 2009!)