We know that men dominate the op-ed pages, left and right. (My friend Catherine Orenstein is doing much to counter that.) But you would think that in a new media mode, like the video opinion site Bloggingheads.tv, and the related feature at the New York Times online, there might be an effort to correct the imbalance from the start. Right? Wrong. I just did a count and only 3 of the 20 bloggingheads debating issues of the day at the New York Times online are women. And there’s nary a woman on Bloggingheads.tv homepage. I don’t know how the heads are chosen, but come on. Can’t we do a little better?

For those of you unfamiliar with this new opinion format–and for the female among you who are ready to step up and offer yourself up to Bloggingheads.tv–here are some samples:

Battleship Hillary
Is Rudy Creepy?