Clearly, I can’t get enough of guest posting here at GWP. But I just wanted to share a cool opportunity with the GWP community – because working with ya’ll has been so much fun!

When I’m not wearing my blogger hat, I’m wearing my program coordinator hat at the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership. You may remember Deborah mentioning Woodhull in the past, as she is a fellow at the Institute. Well, this weekend we are having a Women’s Ethical Leadership Retreat at our retreat center in Ancramdale, NY (2.5 hours north of NYC and just a MetroNorth ride away). There are still a few spots left – and I would love to see a GWP reader take advantage of this chance to work on building one’s personal and professional ethical leadership skills.

And what exactly does this retreat entail, you ask…Well! Woodhull offers thought-provoking roundtables on ways to bring ethics into the each participant’s life. Participants brush up on best-practices for communication strategies and learn how to negotiate in your personal and professional life. They discuss how to add balance to a busy life and explore ways to navigate changes – big and small – confidently and creatively. Through workshops, they sharpen tools in the areas of finance and investment. Participants also have the option of joining in a yoga class, hike, or swim and spending personal time journaling or reading. More information about the Women’s Ethical Leadership Retreat can be found at

I hope I’ll see you there!