Yesterday, after a piece I wrote (“Wired, She Wrote”) went live, I received the NICEST emails from a handful of women who have been my bloggy mentors, heros, and connectors these past months. Just wanted to send out a heartfelt shout out to you all — Amy Tiemann at MojoMom, Cooper Munroe and Emily McKhann at BlogHer and the Motherhood, Andi Buchanan at MotherTalk — for the amazing work that you do. You inspire me deeply!

And speaking of connecting, I met with Nona Willis-Aronowitz last night over spring rolls and fries. I love her energy. Nona (23-year-old daughter of the much-beloved and recently departed Ellen Willis) is soon to embark on her feminist road trip, as I’ve mentioned here, and I’m eager to hook her up with wired women far and wide. She needs help finding a diverse swath of women ages 18-25 to interview about their connection to or understanding of feminism, and she’s also just looking for folks who are interested in her project and would like to spread word. If this is you, send me an email and I will pass it along to Nona!