There’s a reason I’ve been a little quiet around here this week (and have been sitting on a few posts by others that are ready to go): My beloved 13-year-old cat, Amelia Bedelia, saluted by Marco and famous on Open Salon, was put to rest last night.  We will miss her very much.

Some words of wisdom, from a very wise cousin of mine, who also loved and took care of this wonderful little cat:

When they stop eating it is their sign that they want to move on and we must listen to them. Most cats only ever know of one care taker in their life who knows of all their little funny habits and warmth. Amelia, however, managed to be taken care of and loved by so many different people, and each learned to understand what a special cat she was. News of her passing will even go to Japan, to friends who took care of her for three months one summer and continue to ask about her all the time. Truly a unique little creature.  A friend once told me that when you die, all those cats you took care of in your life will come to meet you and escort you into the next world.  I imagine the same is true among the cats themselves and Sammy is already there preparing to welcome his sister. I can imagine that they will once again be up to the antics they were always up to in life, with Sammy chasing Amelia behind some furniture and then Amelia reaching out with that long grey paw from behind her cover to tap Sammy’s nose. And then Sammy will insist on cleaning Amelia’s head, to which Amelia will respond with a few licks of his head as well. Amelia had a good life. Always with a warm lap to snuggle up on and a loving hand to feed her. l imagine that she move on then, content, purring and happy.

Be at peace, Melie, be at peace.    זיכרונה לברכה