…is a work in process, and is growing. Here’s what I’ve got so far, and do let me know if there’s feministy/pop culture/intergenerational stuff coming out that I should add!

Wendy Shalit, Girls Gone Mild (because how can I not, with that provocative title?!)

Kristal Brent Zook, Black Women’s Lives: Stories of Power and Pain (Kristal is one of my co-panelists on the intergenerational panel we’re putting together)

Maria Elena Buszek, Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture (this came out last summer; Maria is an assistant prof of art history at the Kansas City Art Institute)

Sylvia Hewlett, On Ramps and Off Ramps (I went to her book party in this fabulous apartment and got a free book; my favorite moment was when she stepped up on a homemade stage to address her admirers, because she is, like me, short)

Rachel Kramer Bussell, Best Sex Writing 2008 (ok, so it’s not out til November, but I’m excited for it! Guess I’ll tide myself over instead with her Caught Looking: Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists)

Amy Tieman, Mojo Mom (Amy just interviewed me for her podcast and she’s my newest online guru)

Kimberlee Auerbach, The Devil, the Lovers, and Me: My Life in Tarot (comes out in August; she’s a dear friend of a dear friend)

Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love (because I’m behind the times)

Christine Kenealley, The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language (because Chris is supersmart and so will be anything she writes)