Ok America, time to step up. Our friends at The Guardian are covering how recession is hitting the ladies–and writing about how it’s largely men created this mess.  So now it’s your turn.  Let’s hear about it.  Some links:

As the worldwide recession continues, will women bear most of the job losses? The Guardian

While the economic mess has been mostly created by men, should women clean it up? Also, where are the women at Davos 2009? The Guardian

Though to be fair, check these out too:

If women face discrimination and stereotyping on interviews, how can they ever get jobs during these tough times? Management Issues

When Pregnancy Collides with a Recession, The Wall Street Journal Juggle Blog

And my personal favorite:

To recover in these tough economic times, many argue that diversity is a necessity for recovery and success. The Wall Street Journal

(Thank you to Laura Sabattini and Cheryl Yanek at Catalyst for the heads up!)