Hells yeah! It’s high time we include worthy men in the visual iconography of feminism. The question of whether Pres-Elect Obama is such a man remains, fully, to be seen. But I’m banking that he is. And if he’s not, then I’m banking on Michelle and Hillary–and all the rest of us–to keep him in line. More than any president in our past, this man has got serious feminist potential.
But apparently, the cover of the special inaugural issue of Ms. magazine is generating a whole lot of buzz. In a HuffPo piece yesterday, publisher Eleanor Smeal stands by the magazine’s choice, noting:
“It’s not every day Ms. puts a man on its cover. In choosing the cover for this special Inaugural issue, Ms. wanted to capture both the national and feminist mood of high expectations and hope as the 44th President of the United States takes the oath of office.”
She adds,
“But we are not giving President-Elect Obama a blank check. For our hopes to be achieved, we must speak out and organize, organize, organize to enable our new president’s team to achieve our common goals. Ultimately, we must hold our leaders’ feet to the fire or, to put it more positively, uplift them when they are caught in the crosscurrents of competing interests.”
Personally, I think the cover is FAB. I haven’t yet read the commentary by those who find it–what, offensive, I guess? Have you? Is this a generational thing? A Hillary thing? And regardless, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
gwp_admin — January 15, 2009
I am of course fully with you on this-- it IS time that we recognize that men can be feminists too and while we don't know yet what Obama will do in his administration, he repeatedly spoke about reproductive rights, equal pay, etc. throughout his campaign. Of course, it is up to all those other feminists out there to keep pressuring him to follow up on his promises. Putting him on the cover of Ms. is one way to do so-- it ups the heat AND the expectations.
Yondalla — January 15, 2009
I haven't read anything about it, but I wish they hadn't used this image. This is not about Obama, who may be a feminist or pro-feminist if you prefer.
The image though is very evokative of SuperMan who is not a feminist. SuperMan rescues other people, most especially Lois.
A man who is a feminist would not be someone who would rescue us. It would be someone who walks beside us.
Then of course there is the whole ripping off his clothes thing. If that is not meant to evoke SuperMan then it is meant to evoke something much more disturbing which does not belong on the cover.
Either way, whether Obama is a feminist or not, that image is not a what a feminist looks like.
Yondalla — January 15, 2009
BTW, I don't find the image offensive. Just if the question is "is this what a feminist looks like?" my answer is "nope. Not even close."
Aviva — January 15, 2009
I think it's great if Obama identifies as a feminist, but I agree with Yondalla that the imagery is problematic. It really does smack of the "man whose here to rescue feminism" and I'm not a fan of that choice.
BTW, I just posted a link round-up of posts about the cover, if you're interested in reading some of the reasons why people have a problem with the cover.
Paul Raeburn — January 15, 2009
Once again, I stole one of your ideas. Put this pic up on Fathers and Families and headlined it "The Father of the Future?"
Should be exciting to watch this play out...