I had a blast reading at Bluestockings last night and was totally touched by Jennifer Baumgardner’s introduction. What a natural high to look out on a hometown crowd that’s full of friends and loved ones. Thank you to all of you who attended (full house!), to Marco and Elizabeth for pouring wine, and to all those who came for a drink at Lolita Bar post-reading.

Moving from the serious to the silly, I spent the day recovering at Coney Island, watching the Mermaid Parade. What a hoot. I want to dress up next year in glitter, bikini (keeping the top on, thank you), and tail. One part Mardi Gras, one part summer Halloween, and fully New York City, it was a dreamy way to kick off the season and take a quick break from The Tour. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend. Even if the idea of shells and rollerblades doesn’t turn you on, it’s a great spectator’s event, and very up-with-people and all. I found myself unmistakably moved by the irreverent celebration of beauty, bodies, and sea.