I’ve always wanted to see the Thanksgiving Day parade here in NY up close, but have always managed to be away.  Until today!

My dad and I got up and out and wandered into Central Park, then hopped a wall and accidentally (whoops) snuck through the barricades and actually found ourselves in the area where everyone in the parade lines up as it begins.  This is generally known by those who know me as “The Siegel Slip” (coined such by one Miss Courtney Martin, who has traveled with me quite a bit), and it wasn’t planned, I swear.  Anyway, we got some GREAT pics from very up close, which I’ll post sometime over the weekend–as soon as my dad can figure out how to send pictures from his new iPhone over the web.  It may be a while 🙂

In the meantime, sending the GWP community my wishes for a wonderful day!

PS. We’ve been told there may have been an issue with comments yesterday — we’ll get on it as soon as we’re all back online after the holiday – please bear with us in the meantime!