From GWP’s very own Jacqueline Hudak! For a whole bunch more, be sure to see the posts contributed at Write to Marry Day’s host site, Mombian. – Deborah

I happen to think kids are very smart people.  And there are some kids who have been around my relationship with my partner, Sarah for a number of years.  So I thought I would solicit their opinion about marriage.

With just a little time, I tracked down my daughter Lauren, age 17, a senior at The  Emma Willard  School in Troy, NY, and sent her this email:

“I know you’re very busy honey, so if you don’t have time to answer this, I completely understand.  But, if you get a chance, can you give me a sentence or two? Do you think Sarah and I should be able to get married? Why or why not?”

Here’s her response:

“Honestly, when has discriminating against someone or a group of people EVER ended well?  When has it ever been a good idea to tell someone that they’re not as good as someone else, or that they’re restricted from participating in something because they’re different?  People get married because they’re in love, not because they’re heterosexual, so I think you should be able to marry whoever makes you happy.  You and your husband, wife, or partner deserve the same happiness and benefits as the people who find love in different places than you do.  So obviously you and Sarah should be able to get married =)

I happened to see our friend Lincoln today, who I might add, is an avid GWP reader! His Mom and I are best friends; I have known him since he was 3. Lincoln is now 16 and a junior at Allied Academy for Health Sciences here in NJ.  We were doing a typical drop off/pick up when I posed the same question. He indulged me, as he often does with my queries, took a moment to think and said,

“Of course you should be able to get married.  It’s no different than any other relationship, any other marriage. It’s no different.”

Finally, on the way home from school today, I told my son Vincent about this column.  Vincent is 13, in eighth grade, and has known Sarah since he was 8.

“Mom, you should be able to get married because you guys really love each other.”

And to that I say, “AMEN!”

So here’s what I have to say today in response to the wisdom of these children: Sarah, I love you fiercely, will you marry me?

PS. Katie, Sammi, Aaron and Georgia, I am so sorry I didn’t have time to talk to each of you about this! Please post your comments and get your voice heard!

-Jacqueline Hudak