Sometimes things come through my Inbox that are just too good not to share.  This here’s a resource–a newsletter–for those of you who, like me, are feeling baffled by the economic crisis, hungry for explanations in non-super-specialized language, and in need of a savvy woman’s perspective on the whole thing.  It’s from Jacki Zehner, author of the blog PursePundit, and a dear dear friend.  Writes Jacki:

As a retired partner of Goldman Sachs and now a partner of Circle Wealth Management Group, I spend a lot of time thinking about the financial markets and the world in general. I feel so privileged to have access to some of the smartest people on the planet, and for me, life is about sharing and about community. I am deeply committed to writing about what I consider important issues and topics related to money, markets and changing the world.  I started a blog at the beginning of the year because I wanted to create a platform to share knowledge and information as I thought it would be a historical one in the financial markets. Little did I know it would be that and more.

Next to come will be some newsletters that will contain resources on a variety of different topics with the main subject areas being money, investing, philanthropy and social change. That will come to your Inbox if you subscribe. My dream is it becomes a DAILY CANDY type newsletter–not around where to get the latest deals of cashmere sweaters, but rather on subjects that keep us informed and empowered.

Please take a minute to add you email to the subscriber icon on my blog and pass it on to your friends. For me, at this moment, it is what I can do to try to be the change I want to see in the world.  What I can do is take a minimum 30 minutes a day to put something out there in the world that I think is relevant based on what I have read or who I talk to. I believe in the power of women working together to make the world a better place.