First, thanks to all who commented last week on our newly relaunched GWP! We’re still catching up over here but promise to get back to ya’ll!  We loves your comments.

Second, while obsessing over the weekend about the state of the world, I decided we all need a little lightness right about now. So here’s a new (momentary?) feature this morning: your Daily Relief Package. I’ve never created a meme before but how cool would it be to make this one. Daily Relief Package: 3 Reasons the World Is Not All Going to Pot or maybe just the cornier version: 3 Things That Made Me Smile. Give it a try. I recommend. Here are mine:

1. The creators of Song for Sarah Palin created another one.
2. I got friends like Buddhagirl, who says, “I meditate on all the things in the next day that I am uncertain about…and then I draw my attention to what I can be certain about in each situation, and what I have.”
3. Random acts of humor (Marco’s latest, while walking in Riverside Park: “Squirrels in New York City are just rats in their cute suit.”  HA!)

Your turn?