Writers these days–especially those of us writing for progressive outlets for little pay–need multiple revenue streams. Here’s a little plug for a 1-hour webinar being offered through SheWrites by the very woman who taught me everything I know about being a writing coach/consultant myself, the one and only Shari Cohen:

Become a Writing Coach/Consultant

The first in a series on recession-proofing your career as a writer, this webinar will help you navigate the future as a writer in these economically uncertain times. Perhaps you are already trying to make the transition from staff writer or freelancer to something that offers you more financial security, and wondering how you can expand your impact and your financial security at the same time. How can you continue to do the work you love in a new environment, one in which so many of the rules have changed? In this workshop you’ll begin to learn tools and tricks for developing yourself as a writing coach and consultant. This webinar will include some self-assessment to discover your niche, and reframing and expanding your own thinking and professional identity as you serve more and different clients. Subsequent webinars in this series will focus on the business side, market testing to discover the needs of your prospective clients, and practical tools for working as a writing coach.

To register, click here

What exactly is writing coaching you ask?  For a Q&A with Shari, click here.