You may have noticed that it’s been a little quiet over here.  I’m finally resurfacing–breathlessly!–to tell you why.

On Monday, Kamy Wicoff, Nancy Miller, and I launched a new social networking site for women writers called SHE WRITES. You can find us at:  OMG.  I’m struck with how fast this is catching on.  We just hit 400 members and it’s only been 48 hours!!!!!

If you are a woman who writes (and that means MANY of you!!!), please join.  It’s easy, it’s free, and it’s an enactment of the philosophy that I’ve always subscribed to here at Girl w/Pen: a woman writing need not write alone.

I’ll be migrating much of the consulting I’ve been doing — writing coaching, workshop leading, etc — to SHE WRITES.  Look for future workshops under the SHE NEEDS HELP tab.  The site is changing every minute, as more and more people sign on and get active over there.  I hope you’ll join us and come see what it’s all about.  The GWP community has been so sustaining for me over the years it’s been here, and in so many ways, YOU, the GWP community, are what led me to want to throw my all into the creation of an even wider community of women writers.

There’s so much more to say about this exciting new project, and I’ll share it all soon, but in the meantime, let’s just say I’ll see you there!   And, of course, here at GWP.