Ok, here we go. Elizabeth Sackler takes the podium and speaks to the significance of this 2nd anniversary of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: “What better way to celebrate the terrible two’s than to bring in an uncontrolled…speakout?”

The idea behind it all:  Not so long ago, a core group of of women who share “grit, tenacity, goals, and chutzpah” came together to form an intergenerational thinktank called Unfinished Business.  They are a “bevy of birthers”, in Elizabeth’s terms.  And for short, they are “UB” — as in you be. The group has hammered out a mission statement:  “UB is a thinktank mobilizing external networks to raise public awareness of issues of intergenerational communications, issues of race/class/gender, and the effects of current events on women and children.”  Amen to that, I say.

Today marks the thinktank’s public launch, and the hope is that UB spawns other “pod” UB groups — because there’s SO much unfinished business to be addressed….

Elizabeth next introduces Nicole Mason, our keynote speaker….hang on.  That’s another post.