That’s right, sportsfans. Botox is now being used by men.

According to an article in Time magazine, “The number of men in the U.S. who paid to get a series of tiny injections in their face nearly tripled from 2001 to 2007–to 300,000, or about 7% of the total Botoxed population. And despite the recession, those numbers aren’t going down yet; one of the many things the laid-off cannot afford is to look their age.”

And now here’s an interesting tidbit:

“Men do, however, fret a lot more about the pain. ‘They get so jacked up worrying that it will hurt,’ says Botox enthusiast and nine-time Olympic gold medalist Mark Spitz. ‘Maybe that’s why women have babies and we don’t.'”

And speaking of which, one of my dear dear dear friends had her baby last night.  Welcome to the world, Baby Maxanne Evelyn!  And what does this have to do with Botox? bout this: May you long stay away.  (Coming over to meet you, right now!)

Thank you, Laura Sabattini, as always, for the heads up.