Well, actually, what a day for reflecting! The life unexamined is hardly worth living, right? So having caught the spirit from myriad friends and loved ones (especially this one), I decided to record:

2008 was the year I got married. It was also the year my two grandmothers passed away.

2008 was the year this blog went “group,” turning into a vibrant public forum for feminist critique. It was the year I gave public lectures about feminism at 12 colleges, taught 13 writing workshops and series, consulted with myriad women’s research organizations, became a writing coach, joined my first Board.

It was the year that I learned having a child would not come so easily, the year Marco and I together adopted a cat.

It was the year we elected Obama.  And so, so much more.

With hope and deep gratitude, optimism and wonder, I’m ready for 2009. May it be a happy, healthy, prosperous, gentle, kind, wonderful, love-filled year for all those in the GWP community…and all those far beyond.

(More in this vein–because I just couldn’t seem to stop–over at 85 Broads!)