This email has been circulating around, and I wanted to pass it on.  I have dear friends out in Wyoming who are Mormons.  Not all Mormons are evil.  But the actions described below, I agree, were.  Please circulate as you see fit:

On November 4, the people of California voted to ban gay marriage.  The big donors behind this campaign included the Mormon and Catholic churches.  They helped fund sinister ads which included blatant lies.  The ads were extremely effective in promoting fear and scaring people from knowing the truth.

In this country, you can be a church. You can be a political action committee. You cannot be both. The Mormon Church stands in direct defiance of the spirit of our laws by actively campaigning to change  California law.  Please click here and sign the petition (click on the address below) to repeal the Mormon Tax Exempt status.

(Thank you, Jacqueline, for the heads up.)