These stories just in, courtesy of our lovely Rebekah over at the WMC:

With Palin Effect Fading, Polls Find Women Sticking With Obama in Swing States
US News & World Report: Throughout September, as the “Sarah Palin effect” seemed to buoy John McCain’s campaign, Democrats worried about how Barack Obama could woo women voters in a race without Hillary Clinton. Yet recent polling data shows that women appear to be sticking more closely to their traditional Democratic leanings than many pundits had speculated.

Nielsen: Palin Pulls In Hockey Moms
Broadcasting & Cable: Hockey moms were 39% more likely to watch the vice presidential debate between self-professed hockey mom Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) and Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) than so-called “average moms.” That’s according to Nielsen, which posted the stat on its blog Tuesday. Nielsen said that 33% of hockey moms tuned in to the debate, while only 23.8 percent all mothers 25-54 tuned in.

Let’s Just Say You Had $700 Billion to Spend
Women’s eNews: With news readers feasting on $700 billion headlines this week, a variety of advocates were asked what portions of that they’d need to solve some social problems. Among the answers: eradicating world poverty for two years.

Candidates Need To Address Family And Healthcare Issues
Miami Herald: While politicians are focused on the economy and the War in Iraq, national groups are trying to get them focused on things that affect working families.