Oh–wait!  You’re already here.  YAY! But in case anyone missed it, here’s the message from the GWP quarterly e-blast sent yesterday, chock full o links.  Just wanted to share….  – Deborah

Dear Friends,

With great pleasure, I share the news that starting in October 2008, my blog Girl w/ Pen has more regular columnists, more issues, and more of you!  Traffic has gone up, up, up.  Our posts get circulated around the Net.  But you still gotta go to GWP to see it first.

Top 10 Reasons to Visit GWP:

1.  We’ve cloned! Instead of just me, you can now read weekly musings from my fellow scholarblogger in sociology, science, history, psychology, business, women’s studies, and international women’s development–as well as insights from a book editor and a blogging maven with tricks of the trade to share.2. My new co-GWPenner-in-chief Kristen blogs like nobody’s business about public conceptions of the hook-up generation–aka, her own.
3. Jacqueline, a PhD in couple and family therapy, tells it like it is in her recent post on heteroflexibility.
4.  We don’t cat blog. Only sometimes we do.  But only once or twice.  Ok, ok, maybe thrice.
5.  Virginia was among the first in the whole wide blogosphere to post on Sarah Palin as American Idol.  That’s right.  You heard it on GWP first.
6.  Elline, author of the hot forthcoming Seal Studies book on Girls and Feminism, serves up news and reviews with style.
7. Laura, the amazing editor who teaches MediaBistro’s “Secrets Behind Writing and Selling Your First Book,” hips GWP readers on things like what editors really look for in proposals.
8. Courtney and I regularly rap about bridging generational difference among feminists, and our partner-in-crime Gloria Feldt makes frequent appearances here at GWP too.
9.  A host of new columns: XY Files (myths and facts on a new generation of men), Girl Talk (truths and fictions about girls), Nice Work (social science in the real world), Global Exchange, a column on gender and science…oh my!
10.  All of YOU!   The GWP readership is gosh darn brilliant,  doggonit.  As such, we’ll soon be posting some of your comments as posts titled “Your Ink”.  So stay tuned.

Meanwhile, may the Fall season find you nestled into your projects with renewed commitment, sipping pumpkin lattes, canvassing for Barak Obama, and, as always, pursuing your wildest dreams.

Warm wishes,
Deborah (still your girl with the pen)