So my dear colleague Kristen Loveland, the mastermind behind, my new customized WordPress site, is currently engineering the look of the new Girl w/ Pen group blog launching later this month. I can’t say enough good things about this gal, who is joining me as co-Girl w/ Penner-in-Chief as we relaunch in group form. Her work speaks for itself.

And lucky for others, she is branching out with her customization services, and offering a 10% discount to anyone who comes to her through GWP! Ladies and gents in need of a website, I give you: Kristen. Here’s a description of how it works:

Need a website—fast—but don’t have vast resources to invest? Kristen Loveland, a WordPress customization consultant and web site builder, offers a unique solution. Skilled at using WordPress’ free and open-source platform to build personalized websites for authors, thinkers, feminists, and really, anyone else, Kristen is a writer/feminist blogger herself who understands how to create that unique internet presence in order to mainstream your blog, advertise your workshops, or highlight your latest publications. Because Kristen uses WordPress as a platform, her websites are cost-effective and easy-to-use. Once built—in only four to six weeks after consultation—Kristen will teach you how to make most updates to the website yourself.

Mention GWP and receive a 10% discount! For more information, contact Kristen at