I’ve tucked myself away at a fellow writer’s house in the woods for the next two days to re-jumpstart myself on my current book proposal, which I’ve been away from these past few months. So in addition to some guest posts, I myself will be writing over here about, well, writing.

Since I’m all about beginnings this morning, thought I’d share this quip from James B. Stewart’s Follow the Story, which I’m reading upon recommendation of my authors group (aka the Invisible Institute):

“The key to a successful lead [beginning] is quite simple: it must attract and hold readers by re-creating in their minds the same curiosity that drove you to undertake the story in the first place.”

And here’s Stewart’s pitch for outlining:

“I have been amazed to discover how much time I have saved, and how much anxiety I have avoided, by having a clear structure in mind, if not on paper.”

And I have been amazed to discover how difficult it is to get myself to outline. I’m always curious to hear about other people’s processes. Tell me, dear GWP readers–many of whom I know are also writers–do you outline? Does it work for you? Tips?!