Even though the primaries are over, that doesn’t mean the discussion (and activism) on the role of sexism in the campaigns, or the continuing role of women in politics or the media is done… so don’t turn off the monitors yet. Here’s a roundup of what we should still be talking about (a number of these are taken from the awesome WMC Daily News Brief):

Sexism Against Clinton: ‘Sharp Reality in Media’
A group of women, including Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D.-N.Y.) and Rep. K. Granger (R-Tex), got together to discuss the effects of Clinton’s campaign. Maloney argued that Clinton’s campaign had made it “more likely a woman will be elected commander in chief.” Another panelist noted that the campaign served as consciousness-raising for American women: “I think it was a wake-up call for a lot of women to say ‘Gee, I had no idea there was that much blatant misogyny out there.’ And that not only the media moguls but the American public tolerated it.” Katie Couric has been making a number of statements about sexism in the media as well.

A (Female) VP Candidate by Any Other Name?
This, I must say, I just don’t get. Seemingly similar to the “We won’t vote for Obama” statements made by Hillary supporters during the primaries–now some former Hillary supporters are up in arms over the idea that Obama could choose a woman VP who isn’t Hillary. One such supporter suggested that “Clinton’s loss has deflated activist zeal for making history with another woman.”

Here are a few reasons from former John Edwards advisor, Kate Michelman, why that activist zeal shouldn’t be lost: Each possible candidate, including Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, “would be ‘outstanding’ as vice president because each supports abortion rights as well as a range of other issues of particular concern to women, such as pay parity, universal quality day care and economic support for mothers.” [my emphasis]

The New York Times also reported on a potential backlash among former Hillary supporters on Sunday. Meanwhile House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has told everyone to cool their jets, noting that, “None of us can afford the luxury of ‘my candidate doesn’t win the nomination’ or ‘my candidate wasn’t chosen as vice president, I’m taking my marbles and going home.'” Here here.

Taking a Page from the Al Gore Post-Game Playbook
Am I being too hopeful in thinking that Hillary might now use her energies post-primary-loss to become an outspoken campaigner on behalf of women’s reproductive rights…?


Cross-posted at Transitioning.