I’ve been more interested in the response to Gawker blogger Emily Gould’s highly confessional 8,000-word cover story in this weekend’s NYTimes than in her article itself, which bugged me mostly because I found it not very well written. I was obsessed with the autobiographical as a field of study when in graduate school. I wonder what the scholars are saying ’bout this one.

In the popular realm:

Check out this clever response to the blogger takeover of prime old media real estate by my gal Alissa Quart over at CJR. “Take back the word count,” cries Q.

And this one, by Salon’s Rebecca Traister, which urges, “So rather than being troubled by the fact that Gould — or Bushnell, or Bradshaw, or whoever — has the spotlight, why not question why so few other versions of femininity are allowed to share it?”

What she said.