I had big fun meeting Nancy Gruver (pictured left) this weekend, at the WAM! conference. Nancy is the genius behind the print mag New Moon: The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams–which has recently relaunched as New Moon Girl Media, “an international girls’ empowerment company dedicated to bringing girls’ voices to the world.”

As my gal Julia Barry (of In Her Image fame) tells me, they’ve now launched a growth plan to reach a wider age-range and global demographic of girls, which includes LunaVida, an online club for girls aged 8-12, and orb28.com, the web community for and by girls aged 13-15+. These are girl-only, ad-free environments where girls can be themselves, share their creativity, connect with other girls, and get accurate information on issues they care about. Meanwhile, for grown-up girls (and grown-up boys), founder Nancy hosts a blog on the site called the Parent’s/Adult Blog.

Congrats to all over there, and how wonderful it’s been watching New Moon grow from sliver to full moon. I remember when the magazine first pubbed in the early ’90s, and how tempted I was to quit what I was doing and go work for ya’ll.

(PS. We’re experiencing minor font difficulty over here–should be back to normal soon! – GWP)