Are you sick of turning on the TV, tuning in the radio, or opening a newspaper and asking yourself, where are the women? The Women’s Media Center created Progressive Women’s Voices, an intensive training and support program to develop a new class of women to take on the media, and I’ve been a beneficiary by participating in the first class. Applications are now available to take part in the second class.

The WMC is looking for, in their words, “talented, informed, progressive women who are willing to speak out about the issues that matter; women who are interested in joining an amazing group of dynamic, engaged women who are interested in changing the world as we know it through the lens of the media.” In case you’re wondering, they’ve delivered, connecting their participants with decision makers in the news industry who can help make our voices heard – from the opinion pages of the nation’s top newspapers to the producers an reporters at the national news networks.

So, whether your expertise is war or peace, leadership, health care, or technology, chances are you follow the news, and realize that progressive women’s voices, like yours, are missing. Click here to learn more about the current class of Progressive Women’s Voices and how you can apply (

And please pass it on.
If everyone who reads this passes the application along to at least one other great woman whose voice we all should know, just think how things could change.