Some amazing get-out-the-vote work going on this season:

I may be late to this one, but I just learned about CitizenJanePolitics, the “modern girl’s guide to picking leaders of the free world. If that doesn’t merit a “go girl” holler, I don’t know what does.

Meanwhile Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote just launched a national voter registration drive aimed at the 15 million unmarried women who are not registered to vote. The nonpartisan org is dedicated to increasing the number of unmarried women participating in our democracy and is mailing voter registration forms to more than 4.1 million homes in 22 states.

Finally, ya’ll know that Thursday is Valentine’s Day, but did you know it’s also the 88th birthday of the League of Women Voters? The nonpartisan org continues to do great work, providing trustworthy and balanced resources to citizens and lawmakers and getting out the vote. To send them a valentine of continued support, you can click here.

P.S. U.S. Census data shows unmarried women now represent more than 26 percent of the eligible voting age population. In the last presidential election in 2004, of the 20 million who did not participate, nearly 15 million were not registered and another 5 million were registered but did not vote. Compared to married women, single women are 9 percentage points less likely to register and 13 percentage points less likely to vote.

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