Some quick stats on “the youth vote” on Super Tuesday, culled from various sources:

More than 3 million voters under the age of 30 flooding the polls on Super Tuesday, turning out in record numbers in more than 20 states.

Exit polls showed that in almost every state, youth voter turnout increased significantly from 2000 and 2004.

In Tennessee the number of people between the ages of 18-to-29 who voted more than quadrupled.

In Georgia, young voters tripled their turnout this year.

In California, more than 850,000 voters under 30 cast ballots.

Obama won the youth vote in 19 of the 22 states that voted on Super Tuesday.

Nationwide, Obama netted 59 percent of voters under 30 years old, while Clinton was supported by 38 percent.

Young men supported Obama by a margin of 64 to 33 percent over Clinton.

Young women supported Obama by 53 to 45 percent.

It’s this last stat I’m most interested in. But believe me, not in the young-women-who-don’t-vote-Hillary-are-traitors kind of way.

(Image cred – Rock the Vote)