Just to continue with my “I’m really moved by the passion of this election!” blogging, I had to share my voting story this morning.

On my way out of my polling place (ya’ll know by now who I cast my vote for, so no more ’bout that I swear), I came upon a corner where Hillary supporters and “Women for Obama” supporters were hanging out campaigning, the established legal distance from the polls. I stopped to ask a Hillary women if she had a sticker or anything to give away. Nothing against her, but she didn’t. I thanked her for the work they were doing and walked away.

Then I circled back and went over to the Obama women to see if they had any specific literature on Obama and women. Nothing against them, but they didn’t. I chatted with them for a moment cheerfully, thanked them for the work they were doing, and walked away.

As I walked down the block, I turned to look over my shoulder back at the scene, feeling this crazy patriotic pang. I do love this country when it’s working right, I confess. Let’s just hope our votes make it to the right place and nothing ends up like Florida in 2000 ever again.

But I digress. When I looked over my shoulder from halfway down the block, I realized that the whole scene was being documented by a tv camera from one of the major stations over here, and that the camera was still trained on (gulp) me. Must have been my bright red coat. Anyway, if you’re watching the news and happen to see a girl in a red coat and braids chatting up representatives from both campaigns looking like she can’t quite make up her mind, it’s me. Only I had made up my mind. Even if only a few days ago.

Man, I can’t wait til all this is over and we can just get the heck behind one of these two amazing candidates and give it our collective all.