For those of us left pondering the extent to which women of color are being left out of conversations on race and gender around the 2008 elections, Carol Jenkin’s article “Invisible Woman,” is this week’s must-read from the Women’s Media Center. Writes Jenkins,

[W]hile a white woman and a black man now run for the most powerful position in world, that fact doesn’t yet translate into possibilities for a woman of color. Her disadvantage—money, connections—is too deep. Read more.

For more WMC coverage on the women’s vote and the 2008 election, check out:

-The NH Vote—How Did Hillary Pull It Off? By Peggy Simpson, 1/9/08
-New Hampshire Women Voters Struggle to Make Up Their Minds by Michele Filgate, 1/7/08
-Iowa Voters Reject Front Runners by Peggy Simpson, 1/4/07
-Many Tests Are Posed by the Iowa Caucuses by Peggy Simpson, 1/2/07
-Oprah & Hillary—No Last Names Necessary by Carol Jenkins, 21/10/07
-WMC Reprint: Words Matter—McCain and Politics ’08 by Sara K. Gould, 11/20/07
-Hillary Clinton’s Masculine Communication Style Just Might Win the Prize by Nichola D. Gutgold, 11/13/07
-In Boy Versus Girl, It’s Hillary 1, Media 0 by Carol Jenkins, 11/5/07
-Hillary Evens the Score on the Sunday Morning Circuit by Carol Jenkins, 9/24/07
-Hillary’s Rove Factor by Peggy Simpson, 96/07
-Hillary Gets Down by Kristal Brent Zook, 8/22/07
-Right Candidates, Wrong Question by Gloria Steinem, 3/21/07
-Black Enough? Obama’s Dilemma and Mine by Kristal Brent Zook, 3/8/07