So it’s that time of year, and I spent last night at the Girls Write Now office writing letter to my nearest and dearest, telling them why I love GWN and that I’ve recently joined their Advisory Board and asking them to consider making a donation to help keep this amazing organization strong. To those of you who receive my letter, I do hope you might consider! And to those I didn’t have the guts to send letters to, you can always of course simply donate by clicking here, or by doing your regular holiday shopping through here. To learn more about the org, click here. And to read some of the girls’ writing, go here. To hear ’em read, click play above!

Thanks to Patti for the sticky hearts, and to Lauren for the beauty bag raffle. I love my polish I “won.”

And while I’m at it, just to spread the luv, thought I’d post a link here to feministing’s development campaign–they’re asking for donations to help them with technological upgrades. Remember, this is the blog that just won the Blogger’s Choice Award for Best Political Blog and is run largely out of pocket by some amazing young women who are changing the way we think and talk and connect around feminist issues online–and in the world.

Ho ho ho, and Happy 3rd night of Channukah to all!!!