If you’re in NYC and write (or want to) about parenting, I strongly recommend this panel on October 3, sponsored by the Newswomen’s Club. My friend Helaine Olen is moderating. Both she and Rachel are terrific — and I’m sure the others are too. And if those newswomen don’t have the damndest logo! Here are deets:

Join the Newswomen’s Club of New York at 6:30 pm on October 3rd, when we discuss the world of writing for parenting magazines. Our five guests — all editors at nationally known parenting magazines — will offer an overview of how to pitch, research and structure articles ranging from service pieces to personal essays. They’ll also discuss what kinds of ideas do and don’t work for their publications as well as answer questions from those in the audience.

Ada Calhoun, Editor-in-Chief, Babble.com and AOL News Blogger
Judy Goldberg, Senior Editor, Parents
Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, Executive Editor, Plum
Jenny Rosenstrach, Senior Editor, Cookie
Joy Press, Culture Editor, Salon

Cost: $20 members/$25 non-members to be paid at door

Location: Playwright Act II restaurant at 732 8th Avenue bet 45th and 46th in the party room. 212-354-8404. Attendees can get food and drinks before and after the event. RSVP: olenroshkow@yahoo.com

And while I’m on the subject, don’t forget to check out The Motherhood and Work It, Mom! — the latest in online mommy networking.