Welcome back from a deliciously long weekend!

While this author was busy blissing out in the country (thank you, Daph, Sacha, and Rena!), then in New Jersey (thanks, Schettinos!), then in Prospect Park, the New York Times ran two interesting articles on how industrious authors are using blogs and social networking to promote their books. Check out Kara Jasella’s informative article on the blog book tour (The Author Will Take Q’s Now) and Pagan Kennedy’s tongue-in-cheek back-page essay in yesterday’s Book Review on MySpace (A Space for Us). I’ve blog toured a bit and will be sharing more of what I’ve learned soon.

Oh – and Girl with Pen made the Chronicle of Higher Education last week, broadcasting (via Broadsheet of course) that study about the lack of women “Shouts and Murmur” authors in The New Yorker. (Thank you for alerting me, Steve!) Funny how people there all assumed that the scholar who did the count was female. He wasn’t.