I think I just made a new friend. I’ve met (and adore) Alison Peipmeier, but Marco and I just met her blogging and real-life partner, Walter. They live in South Carolina. Walter, upon learning that Marco is a graphic designer, posed to him the artistic challenge of the century: “Hey, can you design a butthole [sic] out of the Confederate flag?”

The backstory (sorry, bad pun), straight outa Wikipedia is this:

Originally placed [on top of the South Carolina State House dome] in 1962….[c]urrent state law prohibits the flag’s removal from the State House grounds without additional legislation. Police were placed to guard the flag after several attempts by individuals to remove it….In 2005, two Western Carolina University researchers found that 74% of African-Americans polled favored removing the flag from the South Carolina State House altogether. The NAACP and other civil rights groups have attacked the flag’s continued presence at the state capitol. The NAACP maintains an official boycott of South Carolina, citing its continued display of the battle flag on its State House grounds, despite an initial agreement to call off the boycott after it was removed from the State House dome.

I heart Walter. Nuf said.