I seem to have caused a little tussle over in Broadsheet’s comments section yesterday, resulting in another Anonymous (not the one I spent part of yesterday answering, I suspect) calling me “babelicious” and a “FILF” (Mom, Dad, please don’t ask), and the original Anonymous challenging my scholarly integrity. This is my first time being labeled with those monikers, and I’m not sure if I should be flattered or freaked. These semi-flattering, semi-lewd comments rarely come up about men who post. Officially irked on that. But challenging scholarly integrity is a trap we all fall into from time to time when we profoundly disagree with someone, so I’m just gonna let that one go.

On a lighter note, as Broadsheet’s Lynn Harris reminds us in her roundup today via AlterNet, it’s the 100th anniversary of the bra! Wait–again, do we celebrate, or curse?

Man, do I need a latte.