New & Noteworthy

  • TSP’s John Purnell wrote up a new Discovery, Pharmacist Deputies from research by Elizabeth Chiarello in American Sociological Review. This piece describes how Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) have shifted pharmacists’ roles from healthcare providers to enforcers of legal regulations, prioritizing policing over patient care.

From the Archives

Here are a few pieces for this back-to-school season:

  • Back to School, Back to Bullying by Mahala Miller some research on bullying, or peer aggression, which remains an issue affecting over 1 in 5 American high schoolers. However, some research suggests rates of bullying are not rising.
  • First-Generation Students Face More Stress, But Less Depression by Mahala Miller explores research showing that first-generation college students encounter more stressors before and during college than their peers but do not exhibit higher levels of depressive symptoms, possibly due to the resilience they have developed from previous stress exposure.
  • Who Gets a Special Education? by Amy August on the disproportionate placement of students of color in special education and how it is influenced more by school characteristics than by race or social class, with these students often facing lower expectations and poorer services compared to their white peers.

Backstage with TSP

  • The Fall Semester officially started today! TSP will be welcoming new and returning board members and making plans for our regular pieces (Discoveries and TROTs) and new special projects.

More from our Partners & Community Pages


  • q&a with dr. amanda cheong and Elena van Stee, discuss Cheong’s award-winning research on the impact of driver’s license access for undocumented immigrants, highlighting the significant barriers they face in daily life without proper identification, and emphasizing the importance of policy changes to improve their integration and contributions to society.
  • summer 2024 table of contents is out! This issue includes over 20 pieces to read/listen to.
  • letter from the editors: summer 2024 by Seth Abrutyn and Amin Ghaziani covers the summer issue of Contexts, which explores the interplay between present realities and dreams of a better future, featuring essays on diverse topics like inclusive communities, race, and social mobility, offering insights and inspiration for envisioning a brighter world.

Council on Contemporary Families:

First Publics:

  • Teaching the Hidden Curriculum by Kylie Smith write on the hidden curriculum—unspoken norms and expectations in higher education—during the first week of class helps level the playing field and equips them with essential tools for success in college.