New & Noteworthy
The latest pieces from TSP include:
- Clippings, with The Nation and its article on Michael Sierra-Arévalo’s recent book The Danger Imperative, Jordan Travis Radke in the New York Times on the homesteading movement, Michelle Phelps in USA Today and the BBC on Tim Walz during the 2020 unrest and protests, Francisco Lara-García in The Markup on virtual surveillance of the US-Mexico border, and more.
- S Ericson’s latest Discovery, The Making of a #1 Song covers research by Vincent Carter and how the introduction of SoundScan technology reduced Black audiences’ influence on overall music sales, affecting which R&B and hip-hop artists achieved mainstream success.
From the Archives
- I recently saw Twitch streams of the Democratic Convention and found this Cyborgology piece on the topic. This live streaming allows for a more “unfiltered” look into the event rather than a quasi-filtered one.
Backstage with TSP
- Fall semester is nearing and TSP is hitting the multi-media approach hard this year. We made some inroads this past academic year, but expect more video and social media content this year! Stay tuned…
More from our Partners & Community Pages
Context’s latest includes:
- trust and stratify by Parker Muzzerall covers research by Jordan Brensinger on identity theft and how it deepens economic inequality.
- q&a with Anthony Abraham Jack and Elena van Stee, on his new book, Class Dismissed: When Colleges Ignore Inequality and Students Pay the Price.
- who’s on top? by Elena van Stee on research by Madeline Toubiana and Trish Ruebottom on how internal stigma within the sex work industry, driven by status hierarchies and demographic factors, undermines occupational solidarity and hampers collective action.
Council on Contemporary Families:
- Mothers’ mosaic: How Black, Latina, Asian, and White American mothers spend time differently with their children by Kei Nomaguchi and Melissa A. Milkie, covering their research on racial/ethnic differences in maternal time with children, and it should be understood through the unique cultural practices of each community, rather than measured against a single mainstream parenting ideal.
- When childcare centers close: Who takes care of America’s children? by Milly Yang, Emma Zang, and Jessica Calarco – highlighting how the pandemic increased reliance on informal childcare, particularly by older siblings, with wealthier families securing paid caregivers while low-income families faced greater childcare struggles.
give theory a chance has 5 new podcast episodes to listen to:
- Mary Peterson reads Iris Marion Young‘s 1980 essay “Throwing like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment Motility and Spatiality.”
- Daniel Silver reads Adam Smith, with Dr. Daniel Silver, author of Scenescapes: how qualities of place shape social life, on Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776).
- Amanda McMillan Lequieu on Yi-Fu Tuan, with Dr. Amanda McMillan Lequieu discussing the foundational humanistic geographer Yi-Fu Tuan and his influence on her own research and theorizing.
- Christine Goding-Doty reads Aimé Césaire, reads from his foundational essay “Discourse on Colonialism” (1950).
- William Turner on W.E.B. Du Bois with Dr. William Turner on the importance of Du Bois in his own intellectual development and discusses the marginalization of Du Bois within sociology.