Catfish is Jerry Springer for the social media age

Let’s face it: panic about ‘people’ not pairing off is really panic about women not pairing off

the idea that technology comes from us, people, is something we are reluctant to accept

Stop Calling It ‘Digital Humanities’

temporary photography is doing something very interesting with time

I don’t oppose the MOOC any more than I oppose online classes, or three-hundred-person-lectures, or Wikipedia

the way that the Harlem Shake meme seems perfectly designed for the workplace

Everybody in the industry wants to see Spotify succeed

Who hates free speech? The powerful and the powerless

With almost 20 different speakers over two hours, not a single woman took the stage

Cup holders aren’t just for our constant hydration, they’re the source of our psychological well-being on the road

Google is doing other things to recruit the fashion-savvy, particularly women

There is no difference between the “real” and the “virtual” : a brief phenomenology of digital revolution

Writing, like drones and smartphones, is a technology

linguistic innovations that start with young women spread rapidly throughout the population

we can disturb the archive & begin to draw new connections between the personal & the technical

Even if an accusation is unfounded, being branded as a troll can be damaging to an online reputation

social engineering disguised as product engineering

the Internet once felt like a secret. And, like most secrets, it was mostly about sex

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].